Young Love | Teen Ink

Young Love

March 4, 2016
By Anonymous

Once upon a time at Westmount High, Kayla and Jessica, start their freshman year of high school. The girls have been best friends since the fifth grade, and are ready to conquer high school together. They have never dated before, and are determined to find a guy. The two girls go on a hunt to find the perfect guy. They want the typical High school experience which is of course to fall in love. Before the first day of school the two of them go shopping for the perfect outfit and make up. 

The first week of school rolls by, and still no sign of love. The girls were both disheartened, and decided maybe joining the cheer team would gain them some spotlight. The girls practice everyday after school for the next month. It was finally time for tryouts, and the girls had to give it all they had. To their surprise both girls made the Junior Varsity team as freshman. The older girls on the team take Kayla and Jessica out to celebrate. They end up going to a party with tons of upperclassman football players. Kayla had her eye on a tall blonde junior named Johnny. She tells Jessica about him, and asks how she should approach him. Kayla goes on and on about how dreamt he is. She even says that he looks like the man of her dreams.

Jessica grows jealous, and discourages her and tells her he will break her heart. Kayla agrees and wanders off to converse with the older girls who brought them to the party. In the mean time Jessica sneakily makes her way over to Johnny, the same guy Kayla is crushing on. She starts conversation with him, and they start to hit it off. They exchange numbers, and Jessica goes on like nothing happened. Johnny texts her later that night and they make plans to go on a date. They end up meeting up the very next weekend. They date progresses, and Jessica recieves her very first kiss ever. She is so in love but can't tell anyone. She keeps this secret from Kayla for months as their relationship grows stronger.

Eventually Kayla finds out about how Jessica has betrayed her and immediately wants to seek revenge. She notifies the rest of the team, who are also infuriated because a freshman is with an upperclassman. They start to haze her at any time they can. They girls take every opportunity possible to humiliate Jessica. The girls make Jessica so miserable that she breaks up with Johnny, and quits the team. Kayla could not be happier, and starts to grow closer with her teammates. She is glad that she has found people that she can trust and confide in. A group of girls who will have her back no matter the circumstances. Kayla ends up forgetting about Jessica by the end of the year. Kayla and Jessica are never able to mend their friendship, and spend the rest of high school hating each other.

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