Hopeful Love | Teen Ink

Hopeful Love

January 5, 2016
By rockstar3 GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
rockstar3 GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

An expressed concern, a direct attack.
Emphasizing the stress that appears with the present
and the uncertainty of our future.

Convinced that this is good, him and I plunge back into chaos.
The fear of the battles still waged,
focusing on a specific issue: instability.

Waiting...I declined feelings of hope for months.
More than two years later, he’s yet to deliver tangible improvements.
Even worse is the transition to normality after four years of chaos.

Life has become harder--to deal with a potentially fatal blow...I am struggling.
An expressed concern, a direct attack.
He was disgruntled and now I am dead.

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