Black Bruises and Blue eyes | Teen Ink

Black Bruises and Blue eyes

December 15, 2015
By Anonymous

He had cool blue eyes.
That, I could tell immediately. His eyes were enchanting, gorgeous, and I couldn’t look away from them. They just seemed to sparkle sometimes, especially when he was talking about something he enjoyed. To sum it all up, he was amazing.
I really liked spending time with him, he was cool, funny, great, and simply perfect.
At least he had seemed that way, originally. I don’t know what happened, but one day, he just snapped. As if he was a rubber band, and he was being pulled, way too much. I don’t know if it was my fault, but he did take it out on me.
“Honey I’m home!” I shouted to him. I didn't hear anything exceptfor a loud bang and smash. “Oh my are you ok?” That's all I managed to get out before I was being pinned to the wall and beaten.
A guy that used to be so amazing, he had turned sour, like a sour patch kid, sweet and then sour. At one point, I was scared for my life, and what he would do to me. People kept on saying, “You have to get away from him.” They didn’t understand, though. It wasn’t that easy. It never was.
Every time he hurt me, all I could remember was the guy I used to be head-over-heels for. I could see his blue eyes shining, his grin contagious, as I burst into a fit of giggles at every one of his jokes. He never failed to make me laugh.
Every time he said something threatening, all I could hear was that crackled laugh, like he was trying to hold it inside of himself, and he just couldn’t.
Every time someone told me to let go of him, all I could see was him, holding my hand as we walked through the park, telling me how perfect our life was going to be. All I could imagine was him, holding me as I dug my head into his warm chest as we watched a horror movie, and I was too scared to look up.
Everything that was part of him, I loved. I knew I was going to get hurt, knew it. I knew something was going to happen, and one day he will end me. But I kept on talking to him, kept on loving him.
And then that day happened.

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This article has 1 comment.

Brett_Ashley said...
on Dec. 21 2015 at 11:31 pm
Brett_Ashley, Pearl River, New York
0 articles 0 photos 5 comments
One thing possible critique is your use of " marks (ex. People kept on saying, "You have to get away from him." could be phrased like People kept telling me to leave him. or something like that. " marks tend to distract the reader from the main points in a generalistic piece like this. Besides that, it was very moving, I enjoyed it. I hope you finish it.