Forgotten Love | Teen Ink

Forgotten Love

May 22, 2015
By erika mora BRONZE, El Paso, Texas
erika mora BRONZE, El Paso, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Who would have thought that a random stranger could soon be someone special? It was her first year as a freshman in high school, she didn’t know anyone. As she walked the halls everyday she felt as if everyone was staring at her, like if she had something on her face; she felt like she didn’t belong. That is until one day, she noticed this boy, and something about him gave her goose bumps. He noticed her too; it was like love at first sight. When she was with him he made her see the sun where she once saw clouds.

November 22, 2013 is the date the boy asked out the girl he was truly fond of. The girl really liked him too, so excitedly she said yes. She went home happier than ever before. There were butterflies flying in her stomach, chills flowing through her skin and she couldn’t get that smile off of her face. She felt something that no one has ever made her feel before. When they were together they felt as if they were floating on clouds.

Almost two years into the relationship they boy came sadly to the girl; breathing out heavily he told her he doesn’t feel the same for her anymore. The girls’ heart suddenly stopped. “I hate you”, she said angrily. “I will always love you”, he said sadly. Knowing deep down inside they loved each other very much, but all that was left was just the memories. They were now just two strangers walking passed one another, dying inside to run into each other’s arms, but in reality, walked away as if nothing ever happened, or as if they never knew each other. Nothing was ever the same, and they were never the same.

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