The Man in Grey Glasses | Teen Ink

The Man in Grey Glasses

June 2, 2015
By msullivan BRONZE, Arlington Heights, Illinois
msullivan BRONZE, Arlington Heights, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A love story adventure that is super mysterious and sweet!

Chapter 1: Broken Glasses

In the snowy haze I stumbled through the snow. My head throbbed with a white searing pain. I desperately tried to clear all my thoughts in an attempt to lessen the agony. The fat flakes of crystallized rain seemed to float in the air. Silently stuck in mid air flowing with the gusts of wind. It was a nice distraction, but eventually I was brought back to well light sidewalk I was limping on. Lamps aligned the edges of the sidewalk and were brightly illuminating the vortex of frost. A soft ring went off on my wrist. It was my watch alerting me that it just turned 3 AM. What the hell am I doing out here at 3 AM? I thought to myself. I was dressed rather odd for being out in a snowstorm. I was draped in a long sparkling red dress. Wrapped around me was a fluffy shawl now stained with what looked like black tar and spots of deep red liquid. I refused to believe it was blood until I could piece together some of what happened earlier that night. My memory was a jammed drawer that I couldn't seem to pry open. All I knew was that I woke up in a snow pile and have been walking down this street for god knows how long. My name is Gwen. Gwen Hall. I woke up in the snow wearing a ripped up dress, shawl, and one red pump. I decided the best thing to do was to state the facts until something came back to me. I went through the statement at least 20 times before another piece of the terrifying jigsaw puzzle slide perfectly into place. THE GLASSES!! I forgot completely about the broken glasses laying beside me when I woke up. Quickly I stammered my aching body back to that lump of snow. I took note of the shops I passed just to test if anything would jog my memory. Nothing seemed to help me. Finally I got to the indented snow pile. I collapsed onto my knees and sifted through the freezing powder which began to numb my fingers. I was shivering and partially crying by the time I came across the glasses. There on the cement was a cracked pair of glasses. My hand merely grazed the rectangular frame before I was shot by a memory. A scene of dancing, laughing and drinking ran through my mind. It was a foggy memory but I knew it meant something. I struggled to get up due to the icy stiffness of my bones. I began to walk back down that same street once again. The quiet wind gained speed. It started to whistle, then howel. The cold was beginning to feel scalding hot. I’m going to die out here aren't I? I thought out loud this time giving up on the hope of being noticed by someone. It was something short of a miracle that a car sped past me at that moment of complete defeat. It seemed to be in a hurry but as soon as I started to flail my arms the sleek black mustang screeched to a halt. I sprinted up to it using every last bit of energy I had. As I peered into the window a wave of relief engulfed me.
“Jenny! Thank god” I squealed as I pounded on the barely rolled down window.
Her shocked face peered out as the window rolled down fully.
“What are you doing out here? I’ve been looking for you ever since you left the party with that guy!” Her voice was cracking with emotion.
“What guy?”
“I dont know you tell me. I turned around for five seconds and then you're gone.”
“Jen I don't have any memory of last night. I woke up on a snow bank i'm so lost!” Now my voice began to crack a well and tears started to fill my eyes.
“ Listen you're safe now. Were going to the hospital right now and getting you checked out. Are you hurt?”
“My heads killing me and I think I have frostbite AND I can't remember a damn thing. Yeah im hurt.” I felt bad for snapping immediately after, but considering I spent the night in a blizzard I felt like I had the right to be angry.
She was silent the rest of the ride there. A couple of times I think I heard a slight sniffle and a gasp. Jen was crying. I knew why, but neglected to comfort her for the fact that she was supposed to protect me. Her little sister went to a club for the first time and she lost her in the first couple minutes. I could only imagine the faces of our furious parents at this moment. Ten silent minutes passed before we rolled into the hospital's care center. I ached from walking in the cold so Jen rolled me into the waiting room and went to fill out papers. I sat admiring the heat when the T.V caught my ear. On the news was breaking news of a car crash just a block away from the club my sister took me too. They reported the driver was in critical condition and there seemed to be no other passengers in the car. Something about that report gave me a strange feeling that almost felt like a memory. Before I was able to dwell on it for too long my sister came shuffling towards me accompanied by a concerned looking nurse.
“Gwen?” The nurse said leaning in a bit as though I lost my hearing instead of my memory.
“Thats me.” I replied kinda sternly
“Were going to take you for a couple tests to see what's happening. Your sister says you're experiencing some memory loss. Im sure its temporary, but were just going to check everything out.” She explained while wheeling me down the hall into the MRI room.
The machine was loud and caused my head to ring. I closed my eyes and pictured myself somewhere safe and warm. I pictured myself back in my room, cuddling my cat and watching reruns of Friends. Time seemed to drift by like mist. I soon was sitting on a papered cousin waiting for my results. The bed was placed in a room filled with other patients all separated by a thin white sheet. My sister sat beside me arguing on the phone. I knew it was mom by the high shrill voice on the other end. I was starting to feel my head throb once more so to numb the pain I figured I should lay down. My back slowly crunched back and I lowered myself on the crumpled paper. My head fell to the right and through a crack in the paper I was able to see someone laying down in the room next to me. He was wearing a neck brace and was covered in scrapes and bruises. I knew I was staring but I couldn't help myself. He looked familiar and I needed to feel like I had some idea about what happened earlier that night. Or was it last night? Truthfully I had no clue what time it was, but time seemed irrelevant at the moment. His head turned slightly and immediately we locked eyes. His dark blue eyes seemed to aluminate in the fluorescent white lights. Everything flushed back into my head. The dam once holding my lost memories was evaporated by his gorgeous stare. I remembered the party, the drinking, the car crash, and especially I remembered him. The man who saved me from making a fool of myself at a bar full of frat guys. He was taking me home when we got t-boned. The relief of finally knowing caused me to start laughing. It was the single greatest and most embarrassing moment of my life. There in the middle of a hospital where I was being treated for severe memory loss I sat laughing harder than I ever had. My sister looking frightened and a little confused left to get the doctor. Soon I was able to control myself and wiped my tears before looking back at him. He was still starring with a dumb little grin spread across his face. It was adorable.
“ Excuse me, I think you have my glasses.” He said motioning towards my left hand which still clenched onto the cracked grey pair of glasses.

3 years later
I took one last sip of my martini before finishing up the last line.
“I finished! Ben come in here I finally finished!” I yelled abruptly.
He came running in with that grin of his wider than ever.
“I knew you could do it. Im so proud of you! Now it's just one last round of editing before it's published, I can feel it!”
He looked at me and I remembered all over again. I remembered how I felt that night. How he made my confusion and doubt disappear, and just like that night 3 years ago I was saved all over again. Saved from being lost and afraid by the mysterious boy with the grey glasses.

The author's comments:

Im a teenage writer that enjoys creating stories

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