The Romance In New York | Teen Ink

The Romance In New York

March 30, 2015
By Jackabb22 BRONZE, Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin
Jackabb22 BRONZE, Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was an early Monday morning and 20-year-old Marco was still under his warm, silk covers but the right side of his bed was cold and empty.  His night had been no different than any other.  Go to a bar, find a girl, and then wake up as the same single guy every day.  He was surprised to believe that he still had a different girl for every night he went out.  New york was a big city, but so were Marco’s standards.  He had a checklist.  The girl had to look like she had a decent paying job and was just at the bar for some entertainment.  Long golden brown hair that flowed just below her shoulders also gave her a boost.  A skinny figure with perfect teeth made her nice to look at as well.  After he had made sure she was the one, he’d go over and say a bad pick up line to try and make her laugh.  He told her about how he was a businessman that would one day be high of wealth.  As for his priorities now, have a little fun and don’t get caught up in life’s greatest game: love.  It had always been that way for as long as he could remember, but today when Marco got out of bed he felt something different.  He wasn’t sure what it would be but little did he know that in his near future, potentially the biggest decision of his life was facing him straight on the head.  And life doesn’t wait for anyone.
As he was driving to work in his black BMW all of the girls on the sidewalk stopped and stared at the man in the driver’s seat.  Marco was an attractive man himself with dreamy blue eyes, and not to mention a six pack hidden beneath the tuxedo and tie.  His grin could make you fall head over heels for this man in 2.5 seconds.  He loved the attention and that’s what kept him going, but as he arrived at work that morning he received a phone call.  The number was one he didn’t recognize but picked it up anyways.  “Hello?”  He answered.  “Hi, I’m Anna Trebesch and I was on and came upon your profile.  Your description captured my attention and I decided to call you in hopes of maybe setting up a date?”  Her voice was gentle and had a smooth tone to it that made you want to know more about her.  They ended up talking for a good amount of time and planned a date Saturday night to go to a vineyard in a little country town a couple hours away from all of the concrete and lights.  Marco was hesitant considering his dates consisted of bars and his hotel room, but he also was anxious to hear he had to wait until Saturday to put a face with the lovely lady he had been on the phone with that morning. 
As Marco worked on throughout the week he had not once stopped thinking about Anna.  He was worried about making the wrong move, or coming on too strong or not her type.  A million questions buzzed through his head the days before their date.  When Saturday arrived he found himself filled with great joy.  When he arrived in his vibrant colored tie (which happened to be Anna’s favorite color blue) and fancy  clothing, he was dressed to impress.  As Anna answered the door soon after the bell had rung she stepped outside in her flowing black party dress with lace flowers around the back, and stiletto high heels that were as black as the night sky.  Her long brown hair was pulled to one side with loose beach waved curls that made her look even dreamier.  As they examined each other words could not seem to come out.  “Hi.” They both sputtered.  Their greetings were followed by laughter that filled the car ride to the vineyard.  When they arrived the place looked like a Greek piece of art with cream colored pillars and breathtaking amounts of beautifully placed decor.  When inside, they toasted to their first date and to many more.  No bars or overnight stays were in the picture, but Marco still had fun.  They talked the night away and were finally asked to leave at 3:30 in the morning.  They had both lost track of time and now they talked like they were good friends that had been together for awhile.  Marco took Anna home and kissed her goodnight.  They had planned another date in a couple days time and both were excited to see the other again.  Marco headed back home and fell right asleep only to get a few hours of sleep before waking up the next morning. 
When he woke he found happiness inside him like the kind of thing that reminded him of his highschool years.  He was grateful to meet such a stunning girl that made him feel warm and happy inside.  A few days passed and Marco got another phone call.  It was Anna.  She had asked him if he’d be willing to help her house sit for her neighbors while they were gone in Japan for two weeks.  He took her up on the offer and headed over that day after work.  When he arrived he had butterflies in his stomach to see her again.  As he stepped inside the two weeks could not have gone by any faster.  They cooked breakfast together, went on runs in the morning together, even did laundry together.  On one day, they decided to take a day trip to the Art museum and observe the paintings and sculptures.  Everyday Marco spent with Anna he always got the feeling that he wanted more.  When the two weeks was up it was hard to say goodbye.  They had both come to the conclusion that they were better together and that the best thing to do was move in together.  That next month Anna spent moving her boxes into Marco’s penthouse in the city.  She was excited to live with the man of her dreams almost as much as Marco was excited to spend his life with her. 
As the weeks turned into months, and months turned into a year, Marco was still in love with Anna.  So much had changed over the year but all for the better.  Marco was still working many hours for his career that he still longed for.  Anna was a kindergarten teacher at the elementary school down the street.  They still woke up together in the same bed, and now Marco hadn’t been to a bar in months.  He was fine with the idea of sleeping with the same girl every night.  It was soothing to him to know that someone he cared about so much loved him the same and loved him for who he was.  The only thing that interrupted their relationship was Marco’s job.  He had recently been offered to move to San Diego, California to promote his business idea that was rapidly growing by the hour.  His decision would affect either Anna or his job and neither one he had intentions of hurting.  He was faced with a hard decision but thought it over for weeks before making his final decision.  When the day arrived to give his boss the final answer, Marco thought long and hard.  When his boss called him into his office his stomach was upset from the decision he was being forced to make.  He sat down in the chair next to his boss and began to speak quietly, “I’ve thought long and hard about my decision sir and I think I have come to one conclusion.  Anna is so special and a big factor in my life, she is the light in my dark world and I love her more and more every day.  My job will always be there and I can't always come back to it.  But after last night and the choices Anna decided to make, she is no longer a concern and therefore I would be honored to take the job.”  Marco’s boss tried to speak, but nothing was able to come out.  He knew how much Marco loved Anna but had he been leading a double life?  Because of the business environment no other personal questions would be asked.  This didn’t take away the curiosity that lingered in his boss's mind.  Quietly Marco got up and left his boss alone with his thoughts to only wonder what had happened. 
Within six months, Marco was able to sell his penthouse in New York and move to California.  His city life had been abolished and the coast was now among him.  He was genuinely happy for the most part and since his job was growing stronger his income had increased by the digits.  He thought about Anna only on certain occasions but she never really crossed his mind anymore.  The once inseparable couple had been transformed back into strangers like the day before Anna had called Marco and asked him out on their first date.  No questions were asked about Anna and it was like she had vanished forever.  As Marco headed into work that morning, he began to think about his old life in New York and reflect on how far he had come.  Things were now in his favor and business was booming.  He stepped into the elevator that led up to his office and as soon as the silver doors shut, his phone began to ring.  He answered it and knew who it was as soon as he picked up the phone.  The man on the other line began to speak, “The secret is out and the body has been found.  Evidence proves that you were the killer.  Outside we are waiting for you and we would like this to go smoothly and unnoticed,  Thank you for your cooperation and please think about your decisions next time before you act.”  He hung up.  Marco immediately panicked.  How could they have found her?  As he walked down the stairs he knew it was over.  When he reached the main floor they were lined up by the door waiting for him.  All eyes were on Marco as he was handcuffed and put in the police car.  He was sentenced to life imprisonment for first degree murder.  And his victim?  Anna Trebesch. 
After his sentence was announced, he decided to face Anna’s family and tell them what had happened.  He wasn’t sure how to approach them so he wrote them a letter and it read:
“Dear family and friends of Anna’s,
I apologize for my actions against your daughter, sister, niece, aunt, or whatever she was to you.  When I received that first phone call from her at work I fell in love with her.  And as our dates kept going, I began to realize how deeply in love I was.  I was happy for both of us and when she moved in I was filled with joy for our future.  A year later when I was offered this job opportunity, I was positive I was going to leave my job and marry Anna, until the night before my decision had to be made.  That night Anna was working late at the elementary school but she had forgot her phone.  She received a voicemail when she was gone so hoping that I could help, I listened to the recording.  The voice had explained that Anna had known all along that I was a drug dealer.  Her real job was an undercover police officer that tried to crack down on people like me.  The plan was to get me arrested but in the process of trying to turn me in, she too fell in love with me and wanted to try and stop the investigation.  I knew what I had to do, and so that night I went down to the school with the gun I kept in my nightstand drawer and killed her.  I thought I would have a new start in California and so I took the job.  I never had the intentions of hurting her or her family.  I just did not want to be discovered.  I am sorry for your loss and I hope that since I am now behind bars, you can all rest assured that you are out of harms way.
Marco Lemire”

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