"Whom Happiness Shall Fulfill" | Teen Ink

"Whom Happiness Shall Fulfill"

March 18, 2015
By Anonymous

                    The power and compassion, that one can have for another under the worse conditions, but the bond of the two will refuse to break free.this is a story of two people that had many heart felts, hurt, and grief, but kept a heart of gold through it all, and never gave up.

                   It begins on a cold Sunday night, with a young man named Alexander James Neilson. Alexander was a poor hometown boy who just turned seventeen. He lived a hard life at home. His stepfather was an alcoholic, and his mother was a major cocaine addict. Alexanders parents divorced before he was born and his father was later killed while trying to stop a robbery. Because of Alexanders rough life and the things he went through at home he didn’t trust anyone not friends, not teachers no one. He was invited to many birthday parties and  events, but never attended them because of his distrust for others.

                 During Spring Break, the commotion back home had not gotten any better, it had in fact only became worse. On the last night of spring break, Alexander’s step father had came home, saying that he had been fired from his job at the local food mart. He quickly put the blame on Alexander’s mother, stating that she didn’t wake him up in time, and didn’t give him enough motivation to succeed at his job. His step dad was drunk off his feet and his mom high off cocaine. The fighting became more severe in seconds, and within a few words, they became physical. Alexander’s step father struck his mother in the face, knocking her to the floor. Alexander had never seen such an action toward his mother, and reacted quickly. He stood up to his step father, and told him that he had made a mistake. His step father angry and intoxicated, struck Alexander as well making him fall onto the kitchen table. As Alexander’s mother came to her senses, she looked over to see her son lying on the table face up, with a swollen black eye. She got up quickly, and screamed, “James” no. She ran over to him with blood coming from her nose and mouth and she explained she was sorry for this.

                   In the the morning, Alexander spent two hours trying to cover his blacked eye. When he arrived at school, he was so worried that someone would notice what spent over an hour trying to cover. In his first class, Alexander noticed someone a new, a girl perhaps. But not just any girl, in his eye’s she was the most beautiful thing had ever seen. Through the whole class period, he seemed to constantly catch himself looking at her. At the end of class he looked over at her once more, to find her looking back. The girl looked at Alexander, and he looked back. They held eye contact for more than five seconds. Then she smiled and turned away. Alexander had thought to himself, that he had been in the dark for too long, and that beauty there would be his light out. To Alexander she was the brightest thing that had ever shined.

                  After class, with all his distrust in others, he built the courage to go talk to her. As he approached her, she immediately started to smile. Alexander said ‘Hi’, my name is Alexander, she smiled again and said ‘Hi’ my name is Mary Jane Luet Ivery.” How are you? Alexander thinking of his home life, hesitated to answer, and then said i'm ok, and you? In which Mary jane replied and said that she is great.

                  Maryjane was a sixteen year old wealthy girl from california, she had just moved there to new york, because of her father’s job moving them around.

                  As Alexander and Maryjane talked more,they began to hang out everyday. They became closer and closer to one another. Maryjane nore Alexander knew that they were falling deeply in love with one another, but neither of them was to know what lye ahead.

                  As they started to  understand their feelings for each other, they also built a relationship together. In the process of their relationship they created a bond like to other.
as word of their relationship had gotten around, Mary Jane's parents decided to look into this relationship and boyfriend Mary jane’s parent’s invited Alexander over for dinner where they ask lots of question such as, where he was from, where he lived, and what his parents were like.

                  When it was time to leave, Mary Jane’s father walked Alexander out. As her father came back inside, him and her mother stepped up stairs. They said they needed to talk and after twenty minutes they came back down. Her mother was quick to say that Alexander was not suitable for her, that he was trash, and that she was not to see him anymore, nor would there be a relationship between them anymore. Mary Jane heart broken, started to cry and told her parent’s that she didn’t care what they thought;  Alexander was her everything, the one thing that could always keep her happy.

                  Mary jane then ran out the door, her parent’s yelled for her to stop, but she didn’t, she ran a few blocks  down and called Alexander. As she listened to the phone ring, she could only think of her true feelings for Alexander. As soon as he answered, Mary Jane began explaining the new’s. Alexander was not only hurt because he was being thrown to the curb because of his look and background, but mainly because he could lose his everything. Alexander, hurt, asked to come and see Mary Jane, and of course she said yes. They waited and waited, to be sure Alexander’s parents were asleep, and that he was in the clear. They disconnected and she waited.



During this time, she started to think of her mother’s words, and filled with tears again to the thought of losing what she called her life. As she cried, she felt a hand touch her firmly on her shoulder, followed by the whisper of her name. As she turned to  the direction at which the voice was coming from, she could see a gleaming light, perhaps the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. She then saw the figure of a man in white robes.’ Who are you?’ Mary Jane ased.  He then replied with, ‘a descendant an Angel, sent to guide your destiny’. Mary jane asked,’ if you know my destiny, then what lyes ahead in my future’. The decedent then said, ‘your destiny and or future, is for you to discover and not for me to show you. But I can say that you have light and happiness in your future’.  in an instant, he was gone. Mary jane took his words to heart, and then continued to wait. An hour had past, and Alexander had not shown up. He only lived fifteen minutes away Mary Jane thought. Mary Jane started to worry about him. Finally, Marry Jane could see car lights in the distance approaching her. As they came closer, she could see her father driving with her mother in the passenger seat next to him. Her father stop the car and told her to get in, so she did.

                As they drove Mary Jane’s mind wandered of where they were going, but worried more of why Alexander never showed. Mary jane had a feeling that her parents were taking her to the police station, to report her for running away. Neither Mary Jane’s mother or father spoke a word the whole time of driving. After ten minutes of silence, they arrived at the hospital. Mary Jane started to wonder if that was the reason Alexander didn’t show up. Something terrible must have happened she feared.

               Mary Jane and her parents entered the hospital, asking to be escorted to room 1324 ICU. While following the nurse, Mary Jane worried more of Alexander and within a few minutes, they came to the room. They entered first the nurse, then her parents , and then Marry Jane. At that moment her fears were confirmed. On the hospital bed, with life support layed Alexander no movement not even a sound. Mary jane was devastated. The doctor was already in the room checking on him. Mary jane ask him what happened and the doctor explained.

                 Alexander was caught sneaking out by his stepfather, and told him he wasn’t leaving.  Alexander pushed his step father to the side, running to his bike and heading up the road. His step father, intoxicated and now angry, got in the car and sped up the road after him. Alexander saw his step father approaching quickly, as he tried to pedaling faster, when his chain broke leaving him at a stop. His step father still continued fast toward Alexander. He watched the car come closer and closer, and then the step father struck Alexander, sending him through the air into a telephone pole. The police stated his stepfather was going no less than fifty five mph, when he struck Alexander. He never even let off the accelerator.


After hearing the tragedy, Mary Jane heard her name from across the room. She turned to see Alexander awake looking at her, Mary Jane quickly ran over to Alexander, crying and telling him that she was sorry and that this is all her fault for calling him to come to her. Alexander stopped her  and said “Angel, this is not your fault in no way. Nothing was gonna stop me from getting to you”. Mary jane started to speak when Alexander asked “Sweetheart would you die for me?” Mary jane quickly replied and said, yes any day or the world, but why do you ask me that?” Alexander replied and said, “I just wanted to know”. Alexander’s eyes filled with tears as he looked Mary Jane in the eyes and saw hers filled with tears as well. He said “I always wanted to tell you that I love you”. Mary jane so happy to hear this she cried harder. As she went to say it back, all she heard was the silence of the continuous beeping of the monitor followed by a loud ringing. Mary jane immediately dropped to her knees in so much pain, tears flowing from her eyes, she screamed no as doctor’s rushed in to try and revive Alexander.

                 Alexander died that night, never knowing Mary janes feeling’s for him. His funeral was held two day’s later. Alexander’s was put into prison for the murder of his step son. Mary janes parents parents attended his funeral, but Maryjane stayed at home too heart broken, and hurt to deal with the pain. After her parents left for the funeral, Maryjane laid in bed and wept to the memories of her lost love, Alexander James Neilson.

                 After crying herself to sleep, Mary jane was awoken by the sound of her name. The same voice from the road on the night of Alexander’s death. As she opened her eyes, it was the descendant. She looked at him, and started to cry again with sadness and anger. She asked “why, just tell me why”. The descendant replied, “as i once said, i do not create your destiny and future, I am only to guide you in the right direction”. Mary jane looked at him and said, “this is what you see as the right direction? You told me I had a bright future”. The descendant replied and said, “Happiness yet to fulfill, happy yet to fulfill my darling”, and in a second, he was gone again. Mary jane didn’t understand his words, she could only think of Alexander. She returned to the bedside and broke into tears once again.

                Mary janes parents returned that night to find her dead on the her bed with a empty pill bottle next to her. She had a picture of Alexander in one hand, and a note in the other that read “I told him I would die for him”.
Mary jane opened her eyes to find herself standing in a field, with the warm sun on her face, birds chirping and the sweet smell of flower gliseard in the air. Off in the distance, she could see a figure of a man, and she was amazed to see it was the descendant. “Mrs,Ivory” he said, Mary Jane asked


“where am I?” “Before I answer that”, then he stopped. Mary jane then heard her name from behind her. She turned around , and there stood Alexander with no cuts, no bruises, or broken bones. Mary jane was in heaven with Alexander. As Mary jane hugged Alexander and explained her feelings to him, the decendent walked up to them. He looked at Mary jane and said, “to you is whom happiness shall fulfill”, and then he walked away, disappearing into the wind. My duty was  complete; I had returned to my rightful place in heaven to search for my next soul to save. Never forgetting the thing’s that alexander and Mary jane had taught me, no matter how hard thing’s get the power of love and hope can forever bring two back together. Alexander and Mary Jane lived on from that day for an eternity, never forget the Angel’s words, “you is whom happiness shall fulfill”.  

The author's comments:

This story is a reflection of some of the things that have happened in my own life.

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on Mar. 30 2015 at 12:45 pm
softcitty BRONZE, Halsey, Oregon
1 article 0 photos 8 comments

Favorite Quote:
if your not first your last

I love it.