The Swing | Teen Ink

The Swing

March 3, 2015
By GreatGoodThings BRONZE, Avon, Connecticut
GreatGoodThings BRONZE, Avon, Connecticut
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

 Her feet dangled from the tree swing that hung in the middle of the peaceful woods. The sun was setting and if she looked up, she would see the beautiful sky being painted with the orange and pink fingers of dusk. Her arms hung down at her sides like heavy ropes and her curtain of hair fell in front of her face. Her eyes were closed making every sound in the bright forest more symphonic. The birds were chirping, the leaves were crinkling because of the fall winds, and her heart was breaking. A single tear ran down her pale and emotionless face as the memories of their relationship came flooding back into her mind as if a dam had broken. The ruffling of the leaves on the ground put a small, blissful smile on her face.
“Angie?” Her smile dropped almost on cue upon hearing his panicked voice shout her name. “Angela?” She heard the voice call out again, this time with fear dripping off every syllable. The sound of his sneakers crushing the leaves stopped as he whispered her name one last time. “Angie.”
She looked up from her spot on the swing, the same swing they had shared their first kiss, the same swing the two of them grew up on. Seeing his face and hearing his driven voice caused a waterfall effect with her emotions. “I don’t want to hear what you have to say, Wyatt, I’m done with you,” she choked out. Angie couldn’t believe the words she was saying, all she longed for at that moment were to be in his warm arms that had once given her comfort.
“Angie, I-I’m so sorry, I didn’t know about anything,” he began which only made her tears come out faster. He ran his hand through his thick brown hair as he look at her innocently with his ocean blue eyes that screamed with guilt. “I miss you.”
Those words shot through her like lasers. He may have meant his apology but she knew he didn’t miss her. “Did you miss me when you ignored me and treated me like nothing?” she yelled in between sobs as she stood up. Her fists were clenched at her side ready, like a loaded gun ready to help her out in a moment’s notice.
“Angie, I-I,” he stuttered a bit taken back by her sudden empowerment.
“Because it seemed like I wasn’t worth an explanation to why we broke up in the first place. Wyatt, you need to know that I’m not some book that you can use whenever it’s convenient for you. The world isn’t your personal library,” she screamed. “Why did you even come here?”
To her surprise, he began to cry. His hands covered his face as he wept as silently as he could. “I-I,” he stammered locking eyes with her own and taking a step closer to her. Grabbing her hands he finished, “I’m a loser, and you deserved better, but please don’t let me go.”

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