The Cost of Love | Teen Ink

The Cost of Love

March 7, 2015
By Anonymous

My skin burns in all the places you’ve kissed; my stomach, my neck, my lips. They all burn when I think of you being gone.
I’m numb. It’s not even numbness. My heart is just cold and empty and nothing is making sense to me.
She’s telling me to write something and to pour my heart into it, but I don’t know what to write. Because I’m selfish enough not to want to share any part of us with the world. For once I want it to be private, to be only mine.
I don’t think you understand what you’ve done for me. You’ve given me a reason to love myself, for myself, again. I always thought I was the problem, that I was unlovable. But then when I asked you what you loved about me, you named all the things I hate about myself.
It’s loud in here, really loud, and I’m still managing to think about you and to hold myself together. Barely but I’m still intact.
I cried so much last night I feel sick today. I didn’t sleep and I can barely eat. I want to cry, but I promised you I wouldn’t. I’ve been holding it in since this morning. Since you wrapped your arms around me and told me you loved me.
  I’m scared because you have the power, this has the power, to destroy my heart. Money may not be able to buy love, but love sure as hell isn’t free; or cheap.

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