If I only knew | Teen Ink

If I only knew

December 4, 2014
By Brooke Lee GOLD, Centerville, Iowa
Brooke Lee GOLD, Centerville, Iowa
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It all started my freshman year of high school, I know they say that people in high school don’t know the first thing when it comes to love.  We did though, we understood each other and accepted each other, supported and most importantly loved each other.  We had a love that was kind and  patient and we were happier than ever.  We dated all throughout high school, John was a grade ahead of me and when that summer came I knew he was going to leave, this had been the plan for almost two years now.  He had made a commitment to his country and he enlisted in the army.  I promised him I would be there for him  when he came home, knowing in my head there is a change he may never come home.  The week before John left I became overwhelmed with the idea that the love of my life and all I ever knew for four years was getting sent off to fight for our country in the middle of a war.  I began to think that if we got married maybe I could move on base with him and live, but in reality I was going into my senior year of high school and he wouldn’t let me miss that.  He told me he wanted me to live my life and that he loved me and that he wanted me to go to medical school like I had dreamed for so many years. After that week came to an end he had to leave.  I drove him to the airport and hugged him and gave him one last kiss.   Although, I told him there WOULD be more kisses and hugs and hellos, and goodbyes.  He just nodded and said he loved me and to follow my dreams and don’t let anything get in my way.  He told me to always sing like nobody's listening, to dance like nobodys watching, and to keep faith in our love.   I told him I would and as he began to walk away I handed him several envelops with a band around them as I handed them I told him you’ll know when to open them. Then he turned away and started walking into the airport. 
As I made my way to my car back to my house I became overwhelmed with sadness.  I couldn’t believe he was actually gone.  When I arrived home I made my way to my bedroom to lay down on the bed.  I tried to fall asleep but I couldn’t manage so I just laid there thinking about how great that summer was and if i could replay it I would.  After hours of staring at my bare white wall I fell asleep. 
The next morning, i woke up feeling like a zombie I got dressed and went to school the days felt like months and weeks felt like years.  I always had the thought of when I would see him again.  Eventually senior year came to an end.  I graduated top in in my class and made the valedictorian speech at graduation.  I was applying to Johns Hopkins Medical school and I would begin pre med in the fall.  I knew this is what John would have wanted.  Although, i couldn’t share the good news because he had stopped replying to my emails over 6 months ago..  I still hurt but I knew I had to live my life because thats what he would of wanted.  Fall came around and I started medical school at Johns Hopkins.  I was very excited and nervous all at the same time.  After a couple of months I finally got settled in, a had a roommate her name was rebecca she was in pre med program like I was.  We became close and hung out nearly all the time we had all of our classes together.  She recently just broke up with her boyfriend so we both were in the same boat.  After 4 years had went by we were getting ready to started our internship at seattle grace hospital.  I haven’t been so excited about anything for a long time! We were surgical interns ready and willing for the chance to hold a scalpel.  The first two weeks the residence just tossed us aside and we covered the pit for oncoming patients. 
It was a sunny day in the middle of April, I was finally going to assist on a Whipple surgery!  I was so ready I had weeks preparing in the skills lab sleeping in the on call room even though I wasn't on call.  Rebecca and I were standing outside waiting for a trauma victim.  As ambulance drove up quickly announcing a 21 year old man named John smith who was blown up by a bomb and had severe burns and lacerations.  At that moment my life was spinning all around me I couldn't believe what I just heard.

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