Two Bestfriends | Teen Ink

Two Bestfriends

October 23, 2014
By Jazmine Broadard BRONZE, New Castle, Delaware
Jazmine Broadard BRONZE, New Castle, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Erica Mena and I have been bestfriends for 15 years. We met in 6th grade. We sat together in math and hit it off ever since, cracking jokes about unsuspecting teachers, meeting up in the bathroom to avoid tests or to just chill. We watched each other basically grow up. Its been a rough 15 years; we’re both pretty stubborn. I’m always right, and so is you can imagine how many times we have argued over the years. We are both 26 and I live with my parents and she lives with her boyfriend Jeremy. It has been a dream of ours for a long time to move in together so thats what we are going to do. My parents aren't supportive of my decision because I just got out of college and I need more money but little do they know I have 20,000,000 dollars in my bank account. I used to strip, I have a big booty why not flaunt it? But I will never tell my parents - they will never ever forgive me. Erica not so much, She came from a family that didn't have alot. She had that type of parent that never really cared about where she was at and what she was doing. But she always managed to keep herself in check and do the right thing...Her mom is a cocaine addict and her father left them when she was five, but she made it. I feel bad for her because she won't ever get that good feeling of when someone says “I'm proud of you” but she has me, so she doesn't have to worry about that.

Today’s moving day and I'm so excited, my nerves are jittering throughout my body. Meanwhile my mom is making a puddle with her tears in the kitchen. My mom acts like Im moving to a different state. I am only moving 2 hours away from her. I had to order 5 moving trucks; Im such a spoiled brat. It feels so weird knowing I am leaving my parents and I wont be able to wake up to smell of bacon, eggs and pancakes in the morning. My old room is naked all thats left is the writing on the pattern walls. My Mom is crying her eyes out ,
“Please don't leave !” as she sniffles and wipes her nose with her cute cardigan ,
“Mommy im grown now! I need my own life… My own privacy … My own everything. I love you and dont you forget it, Im just a call away and maybe a drive.” I say as I kiss her on her forehead and begin to tear up.
“But you're my baby girl, you can't leave me. You see how all your other siblings turned out, please don't leave i'm begging you!!!” ,

“MOMMY SHUT UP ABOUT THEM!” My voice begins to get loud, “Just because they made mistakes and not living the way you expect them to be does not mean I will be like them, I'm sick and tired of being compared to someone else. Im my own person.”

I was so fed up I got in my car and drove away, I didn't care about what she had to say at all. To get my mind off of things I go and pick up erica and we go to checkers and have lunch. Checkers is like the best place to eat. There fries are “mhmm mhmm good!” But they're pretty expensive. When we are finished eating we go back to Erica's house so she can finish packing. We didn't go to her boyfriend’s because he's so upset and emotional but I don't care he will get over it. We arrive and the house is a mess there's no furniture, lights or anything. Her mom is in the kitchen with her crackhead friends.

          “Hey Ms. you been?”  my voice begins to go in and out ,
         She starts barking at me , “ What the hell do you want can you see i'm trying to snort, leave me the hell alone!”
         “ Ok sorry for bothering you..” I whisper as I back up and trip over the tore up trimming on the floor
        “Erica I think it's officially time to get the hell out of here!” as I start to giggle. I walk into Erica’s room and my mouth drops. Ive never been inside her room before so im kind of shocked. It looks like a dog was put in here and locked in here for days and the smell oh my gosh it reeks, but I wont ever tell her that and on top of that she only has three trash bags packed.
                  “This is all you have?”
                   “Yes Jazmine can we not dwell on the fact that I don't have much, It makes me upset.” Erica begins to tear up.
                  “Come on best lets get out of here!” I grab a bag and walk really fast out of the house. The bag stinks too so I put it in my trunk. I can't have my car smell like dirty poop that sat for 2 years. We are trying to leave and here comes Erica's mom. The way she talks is hilarious because she has no teeth and her gums just smack together, Her lips are shriveled like a cucumber that was left in the refrigerator for a couple months.
                   “And where the hell do you think your going Erica?” ,
                  “Dont act like you care now Jennifer, i'm leaving and never coming back!” Erica starts screaming to the top of her lungs. ,
                  “Fine by me - dueces hoe.”
                  “Dennnnnnngggg your moms a gooster!” I started cracking up but Erica didn't think it was all that funny. So we hop in the car and we are on our way to our new apartment. While we're in the car Erica is knocked out so I just blast my music, and my favorite song comes on its called Right Now by PartyNextDoor. I start to scream and I can't help but smile. Erica jumps up and went into a panic mode.
                 “WHATS WRONG? WHAT HAPPENED? YOU OK?”
                 “Girlllllll go back to sleep, its my favorite song and you know how I get girllll stop playin.”
                 “Jazmine I can't even go back to sleep since you wanna be all dumb.” Erica says as she rolling her eyes , 
                 “ Shut up we’re here anyway!” ,
                 “ Ooooooh look at the pool, and all those people.. oh my gosh look at those trees.. I think there palm trees.” Erica is to excited right now ,
                 “ Girl can you shut up dennngg it was never that serious, thank you.” I said all calm, but she was overly excited like for real.

    Shes never seen anything so beautiful before so I can see why, but still I was erked for like two point five seconds. We walk in to the apartment and she flops her skinny ol self on the big fluffy circle couch. Shes so amazed. Her mouth dropped at everything she saw.. Mind you I set the whole house up so when she seen it .. it was like Chris Brown was standing right in front of her the whole time. I blindfolded her and walked her up these black stairs that swirled to the second floor, i took her up there so she can see her room. Her eyes got huge and her mouth dropped and finally some words came out ,

 “Thank you baby oh my gosh! oh my gosh! oh my gosh! i love you so much!” and she kissed me. The next five minutes became awkward. But I caught myself thinking about it and I actually kind of liked it. I shook my face and instantly came back to reality and realized that’s something I didn't want to think too deeply about, but I couldn't help it. The clock said 12:00am and I’m exhausted but Erica wants to stay up and watch Lifetime movies. I just can't so now she has an attitude, so I just shrugged my shoulders.

                                                      .       .    .   

Its 10:00am and I wake up to the smell of Pancakes, bacon, eggs and grits. I go downstairs in a big T-shirt, my panties that show a little cheeks and slippers. Erica says in amazement ,
           “UHHH UHHH where's your clothes at?”
I rub my eyes and start laughing , “ Girl stawwwp playing you know you like what you see.” and I push her shoulder a little bit. She ignores my comment and continues to cook breakfast.
Then I pause and in confusion I say
            “Why are you making all this food?”
            “Oh I invited your mom, dad and jeremy over.” she said it like it was no biggie.
            “UHHH UHHH you didnt even ask me first. I moved for a reason you don't just be inviting people over when you feel like it, thats not how it goes. Now call them the hell back and cancel because i'm not having it! Not today or the rest of the week! Am I understood Erica?” i'm angry so I just walk away.
  She chases me to my room and apologizes as tears run down her face ,
            “ Im so sorry, I didnt think you would react like this. I will text them and cancel right now mami.” She said it all nervous.
I’m still angry but I dont want to even speak to her right now. Then she kisses me wasn't just a peck either. It was a slow and passionate french one. Then a lightbulb comes on in my head and I mush her.
          “Why do you keep kissing me, you need to cut that out.. you have a boyfriend.” ,
          “ I thought it would make you feel better, i'm just trying to make you smile.” she says in her sweet little innocent voice.
         “Well cut it out I don't have time for this.”
Under my breath I start singing ,
          “ These hoes aint loyaaaaal.” she peeped and marched out of my room like she was a soldier. I couldn't help but laugh at her. Then I yell  ,
          “ WAIT COME HERE I NEED TO TELL YOU SOMETHING IMPORTANT!” she comes back with attitude,
            “What?” ,
          “ I wasnt gonna tell you this but I be catchin feelings for you when you be kissing me. Like I like you.. and I know you got a boyfriend and everything, but leave him for me.”

Erica just stood there and looked at me in the weirdest way. She looked at me like she accidentally pooped her pants. She didn't say one word.

                         .      .    .

The clock said  8:30pm. I'm looking at Loiter Squad but its not the same without Erica. Shes been gone since 12:00pm, I look at my phone.. No text or missed calls from her so I sit at the end of the couch and drown my head in my hands and start to cry. I'm thinking to myself I shouldn't have yelled at her like that, maybe she would have stayed home… I call her ring ring ring ring ring ring , “ You have reached your baby erica unfortunately I cannot come to the …” I hang up and lay back on the couch, looking up at the ceiling like they were stars. Ten minutes after making a waterfall of my tears on the fluffy couch that now looks like a wet dog, Erica decides to walk in the house sloppier than ever with some random dude ,
         “I found her on the side of the road and I picked her up to see if she was ok, does she actually live here?” as a million tears roll down my face  ,
         “ Yes, thank you so much.” ,
         “ Your welcome, I was almost scared for her life, please don't let her drink anymore!”
and I closed the door on the strange man, and Erica slurring her words.
         “Don't worry about me blaahhh blahhh blaahhhh ” shes drunk and I cant take it.

Shes everywhere, I lay her on the couch for the night and I hope she doesn't try to get up. I go in the kitchen to get her some water and when I get back shes barfing all over our big cute couch. I was so mad I punched her in her face. I don't think she felt it cause she is knocked out snoring and everything. I'm questioning myself right now, how do you throw up in your sleep?.. but thats not important right now… i will call the cleaning people in the morning to remove this mess. So I go upstairs and as soon as I put my head on the pillow I fall asleep. The clock says 12:45pm. I wake up like someone would wake up if they were falling in their dream, I immediately run downstairs to see if Ericas up and what do you know she called the cleaning people and they got the stain and that nasty smell off the couch and out of the house. I smile harder than I ever did before. I run downstairs and give her a really big hug and kiss her on the cheek. I said with this huge smirk on my face ,

            “ We’re going out tonight!”
            “YASSS BISHHH YASSS” she says that as shes twerking on me, but I kind of like it so I don't say anything.
            “ Well I'm bouta get in the shower so don't bother me.”
            “ I’m gonna cook breakfast because you deserve it for putting up with me last night.”
            “ Don't i?” and i flip my hair.
I get out of the shower like a hour later feeling better than ever, and erica ruins it.
            “Jeremy keeps telling me he wants to marry me and move in together but I don't want too. I don't want to hurt him.. Yeah I love him I just need some space.”
           “ Then tell him that, You can't hold back what you gotta say, you better say that s*** or he will never know.” I'm standing there in my robe as she tells me this and honestly I don't care about their problems. I just wanna lay down on my bed and air dry.

Its now 9:30pm and Erica is fresh out the shower. Oh my gosh she looks so editable and I can't help myself nor control. Shes standing in front of the mirror with her purple fuzzy towel on and a white towel wrapped around her hair, shes doing her makeup. I look at her and bite my lip.

         “You are one beautiful darkskin, baby.”

         “Thank you baby.” and she kisses me and continues to do her make up. I think we are pretty comfortable now with just giving each other kisses. I'm thinking in my head... lord she don't know what i can do to her that her boyfriend cant. So i go sit on my bed and i go into a deep thought. She comes in all cute with her make up all done. Little do she know i'm about to mess it up , 

         “Jazmine do you have you a mini dress i can wear tonight.” i quickly snap back into reality,
          “ Yes baby I do.”
I lead her into my walk in closet. Shes looking at all my little mini dresses and I go behind her and I grab her jiggly booty. She looks back at me with a smirky face and thats the signal to prove she likes it. So I start kissing her on her neck and shes looking up at the closets ceiling her eyes begin to roll back. and she places her hand on my head. Were standing at the foot of my bed and we end up kissing and I take her towel off, s*** gets real.
I wake up feeling refreshed and relieved. I do one big stretch and yawn bigger than a lion roars and I actually woke Erica up. She automaticly smiles when she rolls over.

     “Mhm Jazmine I didn't know you get down like that.” ,
     “Now you know Erica.” I start bagging up. So she rolls over and rolls her eyes as she does it ,
    “Jazmine oh my gosh!”
    “What girl?”
    “I'm suppose to see Jeremy today what am I going to do?” She starts biting her nails.
    “Girl wear a turtleneck I got them in all types of colors. I use to go home with some of the men at the strip club and I would wake up with a whole bunch of hickeys and you know my mom don't take no s*** so I bought like twenty turtlenecks in twenty different colors.”
     “ We live in Las Vegas, Nevada .. I would look down right stupid with a turtleneck on in 90 to 100 degree weather.”
     “ Don't worry about it.”
     “ But what am I going to tell Jeremy ..?”
     “ Just act like nothing happen.. and if you feelin me..leave him and we can be happy together, we already live together.”
She shakes her head..and it looks like shes going into a deep thought like I did when i was thinking about freakin her, but its whatever.
                                                 .    .    .
Ericas about to leave to go see her “boyfriend”. Soon to be ex sike sike sike. But she kisses me before she leaves, My heart skips a beat when she does. I thought it was literally the cutest thing ever. While shes gone I feel so freaking lonely like she needs to come home and its only been ten minutes. Out of nowhere i hear my phone ring ding ding ding. Its Erica and my heart starts beating really fast…..I answer it

       “Wassup? you good?”
       “ Yeah but i'm going to tell him that I don't want to be with him anymore.So stay on the phone with me please. I have my headphones in so i can hear when you say something.”
       “ Ard i gotchu baby.”
       “ Hey Jeremy, how you been?”
       “ whatchu on gang gang chillen yuh know. How living with Jazmine?”
       “Poppin of course thats my bestfriend” she says nervously.
       “You're making it way to easy to let him know you not feeling it.” I say quietly ,
       “Oh thats wassup..I know you miss me.”
       “ Uhhh a little bit.”
       “ well anyway lets order some food.”
       “ Jeremy I have to tell you something and its not going to end well.”
      “What is it Erica Kassi Mena?”his voice begins to get louder
      “ I'm in love with my bestfriend, I had sex with her last night and it was better than we ever had.” She started breathing really hard.It was really quiet for about 2 minutes and then i hear him snuffling.
     “ Really Mena? I was going to propose to you and this is what you do to me.”
     “ Its been good and all but I love Jazmine not you.” I'm on my knees praying to the man above Jeremy doesn't tell Erica what we did like two years ago. It would really crush her..
     “ Me and Jazmine had sex two years ago, I guess I should tell you that since we not together.” And my heart literally sank to the ground and I start crying but I don't think she can hear me. Then she says ,
      “ I don't believe you at all you're just being mean cause I don't wanna be with you.”
      “ Call er I swear to god i'm telling you the truth.”
      “ I'm already on the phone with her.” I clear up my throat and begin to say the biggest lie i've ever told , “ Baby did you ever have sex with Jeremy?”
      “ Baby i would never have sex with that man so what ever he saying is a lie, hes just trying to get you back.”
Erica takes a really big breath , “ Jazmine said no so are we done here?”
      “ Mena you are one stupid b**** for believing that dumb thot.”
    So Erica came home happy as can be and i'm so glad that she is all mine so right when she walked in the door I gave her a really big hug and grabbed her butt.
      “ So does that mean were together?” I said it real nervous and quiet.
      “ Of course baby.” she smiled all hard.
We laid on the couch and we started to spoon and I was in the mood for some action but this time Erica started it. It was like she was reading my mind but I loved every inch of it and I know she did too. We took a little nap afterwards, and I woke up feeling a little guilty.So when my baby wake up i will tell her but at the same time I really don't want to hurt her. Thirty minutes later Erica wakes up, I'm not gonna lie my nerves are trembling. I go lay with her and wrap my arms around her and begin to speak ,
     “ Baby I did sleep with Jeremy, I only said no because I didn't want to hurt you baby I promise it was accidental.. I didnt want to hurt you baby I promise I didn't want nun to do with that loser.” I'm shaking really bad.
     “ Baby calm down ..  ‘CALM DOWN?! HOW WOULD YOU LIKE ME TO CALM DOWN’ Babe can I talk?” She takes five really big breaths like shes at the doctor and they’re checking her heart. And I calmly say ,
“ Babe I didnt mean it, he came to the strip club and ordered to have a lap dance.. i cant tell him no because its part of my job. Its his fault he knew what he was doing. I told my boss i couldn't give him a lap dance but my boss said if I didn't i would be fired, and you know the strip club is where I make my money.. Then when it was time to leave.. My car wasn't working, it just so happens that he was still there so then thats when I ask him if he could take me home he said yeah. When we were in the car he randomly pulled to the side of the curb and started kissing my neck, and baby you know what i get like when somebody kiss on my neck it runs chills down my spine.” 
   “ You have got to be f****ing kidding me.” she stood in front of me and rolled her eyes with her hands on her hips like she owned something.
   “ Baby ‘Don't call me baby’ Well Mena you look cute when you mad.” I bite my lip as I was looking at her and I could tell she got mighty turned on by it. Then she sat on top of me and kissed me.. she went towards my neck and you know thats every girl weakness so I didn't really care. We ended up taking a nap after we got freaky again but when i woke up Erica was gone. She left a note it read
     “ Dear Jazmine,
      You really f****ed up on this one, I will be taking a mini vacation and sleeping in the hotel for 5 days. I need to think a lot of things thru.I love you but I honestly don't know anymore. I literally do not want to talk to you for 5 days, So don't even think about hitting my phone.
                                                                       xoxo Erica Mena.”

All i'm thinking about right now is about how much I really messed up. I messed up really bad for her to be not talking to me for 5 days. Thats crazy. The next five days are going to be hell without her, I swear.

Its 10:30 the next day and I get woken up from this loud banging on the door. It takes me so much to get up right now its like my feet are getting sunking in quick sand. BANG BANG BANG ,
   “I'M COMING DANG!” I'm all irritated and I wipe my eyes and open the door and its Jeremy, my face is so stale right now..staler than chips when you leave them open and in the cabinet to long.
    “How can I help you?” I have the biggest attitude right now.
    “ Wheres Mena?” Hes crying like a little boy.
    “ She sleeping in a hotel for 5 days since you wanna be a d**khead and tell er about what happened.”
    “Where she staying?”
    “ Come in my air is on” I open up the door for him and his sits in her purple fuzzy bean bag. I don't really want him sitting there but I let it slide.
    “ How do you not know where …” he was rudely interrupted by the door creaking.. I looked and it was Mena. I've never ran so fast in my life. I gave her a big hug then when she seen Jeremy all hell broke loose ,
   “ I come home to this s***.. you have got to be f***ing kidding me. I was gonna take you back.. but i'm second guessing myself now.” She said that strangely fast and she was tapping her foot on our kitchen floor.
   “ Mena are you serious? He came over here asking for stop assuming thank you.” 

   “ My bad Jazmine, thats my problem.” she drops her shoulders, and she looked really said so I made her feel better by making love to her. Jeremys watching the whole thing. During it he started crying.So he left and me and Mena spooned in my bed for the rest of the day.
                            .    .    .

I went to go get the mail this afternoon and there was ten notes on our matt outside of our crib and guess who it was from *drum roll* Jeremy. I finished going to get the mail and when I got back in the crib I shook Erica like she was in a earthquake. I had a attitude so I didn't really care about how she was feeling.

       “ Get your man forreal dawg.” she rolls her eyes and says in confusion ,
       “ F*** you talkin bout.” and she sees all the notes and says ,
       “ Im not reading these, so throw these shits in trash.” I smiled I was actually happy because shes paying him no mind.

       “Let him suffer” I say smiling.
I'm thinking about marrying her but she doesn't know - obviously. I know she doesn't want a big wedding so I think Ima buy a rock for her hand it would look cute because she's constantly getting her nails done. I'm not even gonna call my mom nor dad since we left on a bad foot. Everybody will just have to find out by social media. So I go to the ring place and I know my baby likes little stuff but I wanna make her feel special, so I get her a ring with this HUGE purple diamond on it and it has silver diamonds around it. She will love me forever. So I text her and say ,

   “Baby be ready in thirty minutes, dress presentable ima take you somewhere real nice. Love you Princess” she replied ,
    “ Ok baby I love you too.”

So I'm on my way home and my other favorite song comes on its called Actin Up by Kcamp. I start grindin in the seat and everything. When I finally get to the crib shes waiting outside. So she gets in and all she can do is smile. Oh how I love her smile, she has the best pearly whites. We get to the restaurant its called Buffalo Wild Wings and I have the ring in my pants pocket, i'm so nervous my hands are sweating, We get a seat towards the back of the restaurant so its just me and her, in our special moment. The food comes, we both ordered the chipotle chicken. The waitress puts that food down and I said nervously ,

   “ Baby before you start f***ing that food up can I ask you something its just one quick question?”
   “ Yes, but can you hurry i'm hungry”
   “ Erica Mena I know weve been thru alot these past fifteen years but i think i really love you, will you marry me?”  I was shaking so bad, what if she says no? ,
   “ yes yes yes yes yes yes.” she gave me thousands of kisses, and her cheeks were brick, she couldn't stop smiling

Of course the next morning she put a picture on da gram and Jeremy seen it.He sent about 100 texts blowing her phone up and he left notes at the door and he said if he cant have Erica he was going to kill himself. He shall suffer because i'm her one and only lover.

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