chapter 4, deceit | Teen Ink

chapter 4, deceit

October 17, 2014
By TKZEE GOLD, Pietermaritsburg, Other
TKZEE GOLD, Pietermaritsburg, Other
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Today a future, tomorrow an emipre.

Benny was at the deck with his hot Russian girlfriend Natalya, she had moved to America when she was thirteen but the two had only met when they were fourteen, he was a good DJ; he knew what the crowd loved. He was enjoying himself, Austin and Ashley knew how to throw a good party but his night was spoilt by the Ice queen herself Kelly Amelia Smith; he didn’t hate her, he loathed her. Every fiber of him hated her very existence, he didn’t know how Austin could stand her, sure she was sexy but she was a b**** and a half. He hated her but he also respected her, Kelly worked hard to achieve her social status. Anyone from Miami is treated as scum in East Wood but the Smith sisters showed them. So he didn’t hate her as much as he showed it, plus he only put up with her because Nat liked her. Kim was the only Smith sister he liked, she wasn’t as mean and she was funny, sweet and caring and because Austin had the huge crush on her .Kelly on the other hand disgusted him, especially tonight. He knew something was going to go down between Austin and Kim but Kelly had spoilt it all. She had demanded to know where Austin was, even after lying to her but she wouldn’t give up so he finally told her; she stomped upstairs and when Kim had come down he knew nothing had happened. Austin would be pretty bummed out in the morning if he still remembered anything. He felt for the guy; imagine knowing that you could have any girl except for the girl you wanted the most. He couldn’t imagine life without Nat, but then again Austin did get what he deserved. The guy was a womanizer and he could not seriously expect a girl like Kim to fall for him, she was way too good for him and everyone knew it. Austin even knew it but he tried to deny it, Benny saw what Kim did to his dear friend of seventeen years; Benny tried to push the image of Kelly and Austin in bed together out of his head. He wanted to shoot Austin for sleeping with Kelly, really he did. It was a bad idea being with Kelly. To Benny she was the devil in human form.

The party had ended at round about two in the morning, Benny was wasted and extremely tired. Though the party had ended at two he had come home at four, his parents were fast asleep when he had come tumbling in with Natalya in tow.

The author's comments:

this is chapter 4, hope u guys enjoy it.

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