Unforgotten Boy | Teen Ink

Unforgotten Boy

June 11, 2014
By danapriscoo SILVER, Smithtown, New York
danapriscoo SILVER, Smithtown, New York
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear unforgotten boy,

I miss you. Did you know that? I miss seeing you every day. I miss your smile and your jokes. I loved the way your laugh was contagious. Even when I felt horrible you could always put a smile on my face, you never even had to try. With a phone call you could take away every bit of anxiety in me. You made me feel good.

Now when I see you I don’t know what to do. I’m not sure if what we had carries over back into the real world. Whenever I catch a glimpse of you in the hallway my heart flutters. Every second of everyday I think of a thousand things I want to say to you but I can’t say any of them.
It’s not that I think you would mind me talking to you, walking down the hall next to you, trying to make things like they used to be. You wouldn’t care right? I wish that you would just attempt to talk to me. The only reason I stopped trying to put things back how they were is because I think that you find me annoying. Somehow I’ve gotten this idea in my head that you don’t want to talk to me and every time I give just a simple hello in the hallway u think it’s annoying. Do you want me to talk to you? All you have to do is say hello, that’s all I need to know that you don’t just want to forget everything between us.

Do you miss me like I miss you? I’m not sure if I want you to or not. Sometimes I hope that you’re going to come through the door and tell me you missed me and then sweep me off my feet. Other times I hope you have forgotten because I know how it feels to miss someone. I know how much it feels to see someone that you thought were one of your best friends every day and not say a single word to them. I know if you felt that way you would have said something by now, you were never one to toy with emotions.
I know you’ll never read this. I could slip it in your locker, but I know I’ll never do that. I guess because of my own fear I guess I’ll have to accept that this is it. Maybe one day a long time from now we’ll run into each other. We can talk about old times. I hope you remember me then, I know I’ll remember you. The paper is running out so I guess this is it. Thanks for everything.
Love always,
The girl from your past

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