The Rose | Teen Ink

The Rose

April 28, 2014
By narogers99 BRONZE, Corvallis, Oregon
narogers99 BRONZE, Corvallis, Oregon
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

One day, Fabian was approaching the castle clutching a rose, which was a present for his beloved Katherine. However, Katherine was no ordinary woman. She was a princess. They could never truly be together as Fabian was but a lowly peasant and her father, the King had already arranged a marriage with a rich nobleman. Fabian first laid his eyes upon her when he went to the castle to sell his surplus crops in the square. He saw her during a procession that was taking place that day and Fabian’s heart skipped a beat. She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. She was radiant, fair, and sweet. Their eyes connected and it was love at first sight. Fabian approached her and said to Katherine, “Milady, you are the most beautiful woman on the face of this world. The rumors of your beauty and the countless portraits do not do you justice. You are far more beautiful in person.” said Fabian. “And you are the most wonderful man in the land.” Katherine said mournfully. “I yearn for you, yet we can never be together, my father would never bless this relationship.” “Please, milady, one meeting between the two of us. That is all I ask.” Fabian begged. The princess agreed and they decided to meet in the countryside for and walk and a picnic together. The next morning Fabian awoke early to prepare for the occasion, he bathed, dressed, and packed their meal, humming merrily to himself. They walked through the fields, roamed through the countryside, and ate their lunch in the cool green grass. We continued to see one another after that. After about a year and a half, we could not keep our feelings towards each other secret anymore. We decided we would ask the king to bless our marriage. “But father, I love him! I will not have it any other way!” Katherine retorted. “No! You are to be married to a wealthy nobleman.” Proclaimed the king He comes from a very wealthy family and this marriage will benefit both of our families. And if I see this filthy peasant anywhere near you, I will execute him personally!” However, this was not about to stop us. I snuck in from time to time, and eventually, we came up with a plan to escape from her father and elope. Today was the day. It was do or die, quite literally, as I knew the king would not hesitate to have me killed if we were caught. I changed into a guard’s suit of armor and snuck inside and relived the pervious guard of his duty at the door to Katherine’s bedroom. I presented her with the rose I had brought, and she pinned it to her shirt with a brooch. She then requested to go on a horse ride through the country. We rode towards the gate and we were about to leave, when my visor on the helmet slipped. “Stop him!” the king shouted. “Close the gates! Kill the peasant, but bring Katherine to me alive.” he ordered. We made it through the gates and rode off into the woods, heading for a neighboring kingdom. Little did I know, the king was clutching the rose that Katherine had dropped, vowing to get his daughter back, at any cost.

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