A Simple Hello | Teen Ink

A Simple Hello

May 1, 2014
By Anonymous


There he is. His short brown hair can be seen down the hall, peaking over everyone else’s heads. He is all the way on the other side of the hallway and all I want to do is run into his arms. The problem is, if I did that, he would think I was crazy and I just can’t afford him to think that right now. He is one year older than I am, and made the varsity football team as a freshman. He has a strong build and is what I think looks like six feet and three inches tall. He isn’t the kind of boy that girls drool over, no. He is imperfect. He is humble. He is kind. He is someone that I want to call mine. He is James William Hyde.

Oh no. He is walking toward me. He’s going to see me. He can’t see me like this, I look like an electrocuted rat that just took a swim. He looks like a dog that just went to the groomers… perfect.

Should I make eye contact with him? No. I can’t do that. That will make me look desperate. Just be cool.

As much as I wanted to look cool, there was simply no hope for me. I tried the best as I could to impress him, and I ended up with my back against the locker and the sole of one of my feet up against the lower part of the locker. I tried to look as casual as possible.

Oh my gosh! Here he comes! Ok, say something to him. It will make you look good.

He’s right in front of me now. I somehow managed to say something along the lines of “Oh, hey James!” He is looking at me and gives a quick half nod and says “Hey,” and keeps walking like nothing ever happened. I am about to pass out.

He talked to me! We made eye contact! Ok, breath in, breath out. In, out, in, out.
Now that I have my breath back, I am ready to go back to class. On my way to pre-calculus, I replay the best three seconds of my life over and over again.

During class, my eyes flicker up to clock a total of thirty seven times, waiting to be able to see my secret crush. Finally, the bell is ringing. I pack my bag as fast as I can and speed-walk out of Mr. Shlings class.

As I’m taking out my 2007 flip phone to call my parents to come pick me up, James is cruising in his black BMW with his country music blaring from his loud speakers. The song is “I Don’t Dance” by Lee Brice, and that song just happens to be my favorite song.

I am excited to see him tonight at church for youth activities. We are supposed to be combined, the boys and girls, and we are supposed to be playing water kickball. Maybe I can show off my soccer skills I have gained over the past 11 years.

We are on separate teams, I am up to kick and he is placed in the outfield. The ball is rolling toward me and I swing as hard as my leg can go. I suddenly see the ball whizzing through the air right over James’s out stretched arms.

I hit it! Now, run you dork!

I round first base and I can see James running at me, full speed. It is a foot race to see who can get to second base first. I surprisingly find myself flying through the air in a last effort to get there before him. I my hand has touched the base, and the ball has touched me. What touched what first? I am not sure.


My team of seventeen is roaring behind home plate. I am in complete shock. I am quickly being pulled out of my trance, because I heard James’s voice behind me exclaim, “Dang! You got skills, Kami!”

Did he just use my last name? Did he just talk to me? What just happened? Oh my gosh! James William Hyde. He just talked to me! AHHHH!
“Thanks!” I said with a smile. He smiled his perfect smile and said “So… what was up with what you said to me today?

“What are you talking about?”

“The two word conversation with me,” he replied.

“I mean, I didn’t think a boy like you would talk to a girl like me,” I stuttered.

“Well, stop thinking that Kami” he said running back to the outfield.

There he is. The tall and handsome boy, walking toward me like he always does on the way to seventh period. I am taking things out of my locker, nervous if he will say anything about last night’s water kickball game. He is getting closer and I am becoming more and more anxious. I feel as if I am going to throw up. He is a couple of feet away…

“Hey Kami!” he said with his white toothed smile.

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This article has 1 comment.

on May. 5 2014 at 9:06 pm
Oh May Gawd! This story is solo cute! I loved every sentence. You should totes write more stories like this! 5 CYBER STARS! :)