What I feel | Teen Ink

What I feel

January 14, 2014
By Chloean BRONZE, Graysville, Tennessee
Chloean BRONZE, Graysville, Tennessee
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

One look from you sets my cheeks aflame with the heat of my heart, it always takes me by suprise when you smile, or laugh.
A wave of uncertain emotion flows through the air when you speak.
I cant manage to look at you because you look to good. Your strong gaze is enough to send shivers down my spine. And when our eyes met its had to drop my gaze and its to hard to met your gaze. I feel as if I am detraying your familys trust when I feel this way but I can't help how I feel. Your sisters are some of my best friends in this whole world and I don't want to betray them. I want to know how they would feel about my feelings toward you but I will never tell them. Sometimes I wish they would understand but I know there is a chance they might not. So I'll hold these emotions inside.

The author's comments:
Love is not the word I would use to decribe this. Its a very strong emotion so indescribable that we are forced to use a word to simple, dull, and unreliable as the word love.

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