Sometimes Reality is Better Than Dreams | Teen Ink

Sometimes Reality is Better Than Dreams

January 9, 2014
By toosmexy BRONZE, Flower Mound, Texas
toosmexy BRONZE, Flower Mound, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
When life gives you lemon aid take them, because hey, free lemons.

“Do you, Marie Anne Collins, take Ryan Matt Wilson as your loftly wedded husband?” A single tear fell from my cheek. “I do!” Ryan’s crooked teeth smiled at me. “And do you, Ryan Matt Wilson, take Marie Anne Collins as your loftly wedded wife?” “I absolutely do!” All our family and friends laughed! This was the happiest moment of my life! All I have ever wanted to do was marry the gorgeous Ryan Matt Wilson. His curly hair was insanely adorable and you could never forget his blueberry eyes! “You may now kiss your bride!” This is the one moment I have been waiting for! His blueberry eyes stared into mine as we began to lean in. “Marie wake up…” I lifted my eyebrow. “What?” “Wake up!” Is he trying to make a joke or something right now? Before I could question he roared, “Marie wake up!”

My eyes shot open! “Marie, you’re gonna be late for school!” I groaned and turned over. I was so close this time! “Marie Anne if you do not get out of this bed right now I will ban you from anyone source of technology in this house!” I immediately flipped over. “You wouldn’t dare.” “Oh wouldn’t I.” She smirked. I rolled my eyes but got out of bed. I threw on my favorite outfit, which consists of my tights and my lucky t-shirt that had a dark green clover on it. I fixed my hair in a bun and applied very little make-up. Then I slipped on my black vans and hopped downstairs! After nearly tripping on the last step of the stairs I headed to the kitchen. I opened my pantry and got a box of Froot Loops and I grabbed the gallon of milk. “Hey, baby girl!” My dad kissed my forehead. “Dad, I’m the oldest child in this house.” “I know!” I giggled but remembered that I woke up late. I quickly ate my bowl of cereal. I ran upstairs, snatched my keys, my phone, and my backpack, then again ran downstairs. “Bye, mom and dad!” I shut the door before anyone could tell me anything. Once I got into the car I chucked my backpack in the backseat. I started the car and made my short journey to school.

I greeted my friends as I entered crowded school. Saying “Hi” or “Hey” to each of them and, of course, catching up with latest gossip. I didn’t gossip much unless it included Ryan. “Yeah, I think Ryan asked Tiffany to the school dance.” My heart sunk a bit. “Wait, Ryan Wilson?” “No, Ryan Stevens,” I sghed in relief, “Ryan Wilson is going with Deena.” I frowned. I knew I had no chance with him, but there was always this tiny bit of hope in me. “Oh okay.” Was all I said. No one knew I liked except for Derek and Chelsea. But thats only because they were my best friends. Actually I was getting slightly worried because I haven’t seen Chelsea this morning yet. I knew Derek was probably hanging out with his “guy friends” or whatever. Just as I was about ask Veronica where Chelsea was, a cold hand grasped mine a started pulling. “What the heck?” I knew it was Chelsea now because of her Auburn hair. “C’mon, Marie!” She yelled. “Where are we going?” I chuckled. “Its a surprise!”

I let her drag me through the hollow halls. We stopped right in front of the theater stage. Chelsea lead me to the front row and sat me down in the red cushioned seats. “Boys!” Chelsea hollered. 5 boys came out from behind the curtain holding rather large signs. “Chelsea, what is this?” “Shh! Just wait!” She said. Something was going to happen. You could tell by the overly joyed look on her face. Derek came out with his award winning smile. He saw me and his eyes lit up like a flashlight in the dark. An acoustic guitar hung from his torso. He casually strolled over to the microphone stand and adjusted it to his height. He coughed then started strumming his guitar. He smiled nervously at me, which I returned except mine wasn’t nervous. To my surprise he actually began to sing. He was an amazing singer but I was the only one who he had sang to all in his life. He was too nervous to do it in front of anyone else. “P is for how pretty you are,” P? “R is for the way you light up every room. O is for the amazing oatmeal cookies you bake,” I snickered at that one, “And M is for making prom night the best night you have ever had. And question mark is will you go with me?” The boys who were standing there the whole time finally revealed the large boards. I gasped and slapped my hand over my mouth. “PROM?” is what the boards spelt out. “Marie Anne Collins, I have loved you ever since I saw you on the first day of pre-k. You are absolutely gorgeous in every single way. Every time I see you, I die a little inside knowing that I will never be good enough for you. I know you deserve way better than me, but will you please go to prom with me?” Tears were streaming down my freckled cheeks. I ran to him. I ran straight to him, and grabbed his face. I smashed my lips onto his. I broke the kiss. My hands were still on his cheeks when I told him that I loved him to. I explained to him how he was too good for me, and that no other boy had ever said that to me. This moment right now was better than any other dream that I had ever had. Even if it was with Ryan Wilson, nothing beat the moment I was having with Derek Cole Hudson and nothing ever will.

The author's comments:
It's a fiction love story that I have to write for a project in my english class

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