Leaving | Teen Ink


December 4, 2013
By Yoru_X BRONZE, Manitowoc, Wisconsin
Yoru_X BRONZE, Manitowoc, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Kate. I have to tell you something.”

“What is it Jared?” Kate asked curiously.

“You know how I joined the army right?”

“Yes? What about it?”

Staring into her dark brown eyes, he wasn’t sure how he could say what he was about to. “Um, well, they’re deploying me in a week…”

Kate’s eyes went wide as she tried to take in what Jared had just said. She thought she had at least another month before he left. This couldn’t be happening. Her blonde hair hung in her face as she dropped her head. She had no idea what she would do when he was gone.

“B-but, I thought you weren’t supposed to be deployed until July…”

“I know Kate…I’m sorry…I didn’t expect this, but they need us to leave earlier. There was a mistake made in the previous mission which caused the loss of one to many soldiers.”

“So they need you to go out and get killed as well?” Kate said unhappily.

“What? No. You know there’s only a small chance of that happening.”

“I know…but still…”

“There’s no reason to be upset. We can spend the rest of the time I have any way you want to. It’ll be the best week we’ve had. Does that sound alright?” Jared asked.

“Yes. Alright.” Kate answered with a hint of sadness in her voice.

“Come on Kate. I don’t know what else to do besides that…if this is the last week I can spend with you for awhile, I want to make it great. And memorable.” He said as tears filled his cloudy grey eyes. “Please?”

He slowly gets closer to her until she is an arms length away, and hugs her. Embracing each other as they cry together. After a couple minutes they step back from each other and wipe their tears away.


“Yes Jared?”

“Thank you for not becoming angry about this.”

“Why would I ever become angry with you because of this?” Kate asked with concern on her face.

“I don’t know. Just…I was afraid that I would hurt you to much…”

“Oh…it’s alright. I’ll be alright…just…sad.”

“Please try and stay happy. For me. I know it’s a lot to accept, but we have to.” Jared said pleading.

“I know. It’s just a lot to take in.” The sadness in her voice growing slightly greater.

“I understand. It was kind of sudden and unexpected. If you need more time to think about it, you can…”

“What?! No. It’s okay. The more time I take thinking about it, the less time I have to spend with you before you leave.”

Jared stayed silent.

“Jared? What’s wrong?” Kate asked, worried.

“I don’t want to leave.”

“That’s understandable. I mean it is a few weeks earlier than you thought it would be.”

“No. I mean…I don’t want to be in the army anymore.” Jared said suddenly.

“But you’ve always wanted to be in the army.” Kate stated confused.

“I know, but after thinking…I like the life I have. I like how everything is now. I like being able to spend time with my family, I like being able to spend time with you, and I like being able to live my life without the unknowing of whether or not I’m going to die at work today.”

“Jared. If you don’t want to do it, then don’t. Walk in and talk to the supervisor. Tell him how you feel and then resign.”

“Alright. I will. Then we shall see where that takes us.” Jared tells Kate as he begins to leave.

“Okay! Tell me what happens tomorrow then! Bye!” Kate says excitedly.

Finally. She thought. I can have hope that I will be able to live peacefully knowing he wont be at the risk of dying.

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This article has 1 comment.

maizeman said...
on Dec. 12 2013 at 8:09 am
It was very interesting.  I couldn't stop till the end.  Keep up the good work.