Possible Reality | Teen Ink

Possible Reality

July 26, 2013
By lalalovemusique BRONZE, San Juan, Other
lalalovemusique BRONZE, San Juan, Other
2 articles 2 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
No one dies a virgin, life fucks us all.-Kurt Cobain

My dreams used to be surrounded by your out of reach presence that always seemed to be hard for me to keep as my own. From beginning to end, to only a few seconds, it didn’t matter cause I’d still have in mind that you were actually there. Later on for some reason, in my dreams I started to see you as a light blur or an erased image. That’s when I realized that you are not a dream of mine anymore, no fantacious existence that only occurred when not expected. You are my reality and my dreams are just life suggestions.

The author's comments:
I wrote this piece about how I stopped dreaming about my boyfriend like I used to and I got way to inspired so I wrote this after a few weeks of being together.

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