His Love | Teen Ink

His Love

June 2, 2013
By Laxgurl14 BRONZE, Vancouver, Washington
Laxgurl14 BRONZE, Vancouver, Washington
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Don't cry because it's over, smile because it's only the beginning

For once, Asrien White felt like there would never be anything more perfect than this moment.

There was no confusion, no suffering, no embarrassment, no chaos, no forgetting, no jealousy, no lies, nothing that was all screwed up and, most especially, no flirtatious girls to bother him anymore.

There was nothing else but complete bliss, honesty, loyalty, understanding, communication, intimacy, wondrous awe, dedication, and perfect happiness. He didn't have to worry about a single thing except to enjoy the incredulous memories he always shares with her.

Ever since she came sauntering up to the register table during the Artists' Festival, Asrien had been completely mesmerized by her. He became even more so when she told Opal off and that was something seeing as Opal was a complete b****. But she…she was the most perfect girl he had ever witnessed.

Then he had been very curious about her--about why she didn't treat him the way other girls treated him--and so he snuck away from his duty (with the help of Emma) and snuck inside the theater to watch. When she performed onstage with that amazing snippet of Romeo and Juliet, he had been entranced, and casted into the spell of her unique personality. Her green eyes held him in place and made him want to look at them for the rest of his life; they were filled with endless positivity and joy--Asrien wanted that so much, from the moment he came to realize that people never really liked him until he changed and became popular.

He felt a warm feeling encasing his entire body as well as an anxious, nervous excitement, blinding his senses. From the moment he saw her, Asrien felt as if he had known her forever, as if they were best friends for a long time; he could tell she felt it too, but there was a barrier keeping her away from him, keeping her from opening up and relinquishing her feelings to him—to others.

That was the exact thing too: her feelings. Asrien felt them before she saw them and wanted to keep feeling what she felt beyond the Festival. She held so much positive energy, even when she was back-talking Opal and just had an aura that screamed out power.

He tried everything in his power to see her after the Festival and even searched for her backstage in Crescent's humongous theatre. He found that all of her fellow female thespians were from the same, flirtatious species as his female classmates. Except for this one girl, Bianca Giovanni, who was supposedly the best friend of her, who had told him—after she had gotten rid of the flirting girls surrounding him—that she had to leave early due to her position as President of their club.

That just further impressed him and he was determined to find her. When he did, it was like fireworks, a display of millions of crystals smashing through the air and being lit up by bright beams of light. They talked then afterwards, they talked for hours on end and they couldn't stop; they set up a date--an actual date in which Asrien asked her and everything--and then heaven opened its gates and led Asrien to perfect bliss.

He couldn't understand why he was so driven in talking to this girl, he had never felt anything like this. He had never felt so light-hearted. He only felt it one other time and that was when his parents came home every day and showed each other how much love they still held for one another despite the chaos in their large family.

Love....was that it?

They had...they had kissed...they had so many intimacy and wonderful moments together that made them both giddy in the head with happiness. He knew that he probably wouldn't have the guts to be able to tell her at first, to tell her how he really felt the moment they met. He wanted his heart back and he knew she wanted hers back as well, but...she made him so happy, she made him laugh, and even when they had their hearts back, for a lingering moment, both of them glowed. Over time, she made Asrien want to cry so hard and made him feel like dying, only because she couldn't see how perfect she was to him.

She didn't care what he thought of her, but he did care--he cared how she felt about herself, he cared how she couldn't see just how wonderful she was, not only to him but to everyone around her. He could've cared less that she didn't think of him the majority of the time (that was mostly him thinking about her) but he knew she still cared for him. It had taken him so long to convince her that he wasn't like any of the guys that she used to deal with; it took him so long to get her to trust him, but he didn't care; he wanted her to know how much he cared and loved her.

So, Asrien guessed, in a way, that she was his own definition of love. He saw her the way no one else could ever feel. She was the girl. She was the only One for him. He wanted to scream to the world how much he loved her. He loved it whenever they would make eye-contact, they were too focused in on each other to notice anything else. He loved how jealous the girls were of her, because that would've shown her that she was The One for him and that she would be his first and his last love. He loved the way she massaged him when he was stressed out or full of doubt when he never says anything. He loved the feeling of her hands around his neck, on his chest and when their hands intertwine.

He loved that he could make her feel protected and safe and just great. He loved how they were so similar yet so different and so parallel to each other. He loved how his palms start to sweat and his heart skips a beat every time she came close to him, which was all the time. He loved how she knew he would still love her even if something happened and she became ugly--though, that's a lie since she would always be beautiful.

He would always love Destiny Fate.

That he knew now for sure when he saw her smiling face the next day.

It was love.

The author's comments:
Love is a many splendor things.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jun. 6 2013 at 9:42 pm
Flowers_Will_Grow SILVER, Annandale, Virginia
8 articles 0 photos 12 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;A little fall of rain, can hardly hurt me now.&quot;-Little Fall of Rain from Les Miserables<br /> &quot;Rain will make the flowers grow.&quot;-Little Fall of Rain from Les Miserables<br /> &quot;We&#039;ll carry on&quot;-Welcome to the Black Parade from My Chemical Romance

That is soo sweet! xD  I really liked it!