save my soul | Teen Ink

save my soul

May 16, 2013
By Gabby70043 BRONZE, Chalmette, Louisiana
Gabby70043 BRONZE, Chalmette, Louisiana
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Where words fail; Music speaks.

One good thing about being a traveler was not having to go to school and not having to pack up everything when we had to leave town. When ever we left town we just moved into it was mainly because Louis was always getting into trouble. And somtimes it was because Harry and Dad had to find work. See us traveler girls have to get married young start a family and start our traveler life. Louis my older brother and Harry my soon to be husband are best freinds and Louis and Elenor my best freind and Harry little sister are getting married so we'd always have a reason to travel together. I mean we all loved each other and everything but it was still a good thing.
Me and Harry are getting married in three weeks, Louis and Elenor are getting married in two weeks since Louis is older than Harry.
Me and Elenor spent the night in her parents trailer and the boys would stay at my parents. So even though we didn't have that much of an education we still knew basic math, reading, and writing. me and Elenor stayed up that night and talked about the S&M words you know sex and marriage it all seemed so sudden I mean I love harry and everything and the man looks like a walking sex God. Elenor soon fell asleep and I snuck out after I heard somone say, "Gabby, psttt, Gabby." After that I walked out and relized it was Harry he took me by surprise and started kissing me and after a few seconds I started kissing back and things got heated but before I knew it Harry pulled back. After a few seconds I looked at him and said," what you don't want to you know........with me?" Harry shot me a look quick and said,"It's not that," he said it that "I've never..............I've never had sex with any one." I sat there for a second with a crazed look on my face before he said," I waited in hope that our parents would see we were perfect for eachother and I know I should have done this a long time ago but..." Thats when he down on one knee I started to tear up because of what he just said and because of what he was doing. he finally said," Gabby I've loved you since we were children will you do me the honer and marry me?" I started to ball out crying for three reasons 1.I was really, really happy, 2. I was the only traveler girl to get an engagement ring, 3. Harry was all MINE and I was all HIS!!!
That night we laid out under the stars and snuggled and the next morning he woke up first and had to leave so we wouldn't get caught if we did the engagement was off and we couldn't let that happen. Elenor had all ready told me she and Louis had sex and she was pregnate and she didn't tell Louis yet and she shouldn't start showing till after the wedding then she would tell him so it was good thing the wedding was three days away.
Me and Harry had a trailer all to our selves since all of the others are going out to the movies for like five hours so me and Harry are going to hang out and hopefully things go a little farther than last time. Harry came over and it was amazing we had sex it was the best thing ever and we did an hour before they came back and Elenor had known what I had planned it, I just feel so bad but pure at the same time and Harry loved seeing how happy I was, we toke things slow and easy.
I told Elenor and she said that she knew we would and also said that she hopes we both get pregnat and have little baby twins a boy and a girl. after she said that I quickly said,"I don't think I can take care of one this young I'm only seventeen and a half I can't be thinking of a baby right now expically if I'm not married," and thats when she said," you'll be married in less than a week, remember?"
Ofcouse how could I have been so stupid and thoughtless maybe Harry really happy if I were to have his first child I sat there and daydreamed while Elenor went on and on about somthing. Me and Harry had the trailer to our selves and I wanted to have sex but not until Harry said,"what if you get pregnate like Elenor is?" I looked at him surprised and said," How the hell did you figure out she said she wasn't telling anyone but me?" "Well she was talking about it in her sleep and I woke her up and asked her she said it was real." I was about to say somthing until he said,"Why didn't you tell me Gabby?" I sat there speechless till he got up and said," I should have known you don't trust me do you?" he said it really meaning it I got and kissed him passionitly and looked into his emerald colored eyes and said,"Harry if I didn't trust you I wouldn't have let you make love to me, so stop thinking silly things like I don't trust you cause I do, and by the way she made swear to tell no one, ok?" He looked at me and smiled and he said," if we have a girl can we name her Darcey?" "Ofcourse I've always loved that name and knowing you love it makes it even better!" He kissed me goodnight and went home before they came back.
The next day I was suppose to get my period but I didn't so I went to Elenor and told her said either I'm pregnate or my counting was wrong so I went and checked. I had to see Harry and Elenor right NOW!!! I keept saying in my head," this can't be happing!" Finally they both showed up I told them and after I got use to the idea I was just as happy as them. That I wasn't pregnate.
I haven't talked to Harry since I told him two days ago but today we were at Louis and Elenors' wedding and it was beautiful I was so happy for them. But I was even more happy because it was only three days until our wedding. I danced the entire time with Harry I asked him a question a little like this,"are you mad at me or somthing you haven't been talking to me lately?" he looked at me surprised and said," I've been trying to stay away from you on purpose." "Why," I asked he simply replied," because I can't keep my hands off of you and I can't wait to have sex with Mrs. Gabby Styles. " And I can't wait to have sex with Mr.Harry Styles," and then we kissed and left back to our trailers. Elenor came over she was talking about her wedding."GabbyI lovedd the ceremony, and the food OMG where did you order it from?" "Gabby," "HUH, what sorry I was daydreaming about our wedding and after the wedding!
"Hey, Gabby do you think we could out to the movies tonight I was thinking about going to that new movie you wanted to see it sounds good!" "Thanks Harry but I can't got a wedding to plan you know Harry Styles yep were getting married in less than two weeks," I said jokingly to Harry. In return he said," oh darn I was hopeing that you could be mine!" he said as he walked toward me and kissed me on the cheek before leaving to go to work.
"So were y'all working today roofing? Or paving?" Dad came out the house and said three paves and two roofs," "WOW," I said surprised " well my two favorite men in the world stay safe," "we will, we all ways are love you babe see you later!" called Harry as they drove off to the many jobs they had for today.
The Styles had left for the afternoon and won't be back till tomorrow so Mrs.Styles asked me to cook and stay with Harry. Of couse we will sleep in differnt beds and things in that nature. When Harry came in he was surprised to see me, he thought it was joke so he said,"Hi Honey I'm home!" "Harry your parents asked me to take care of you for the night they will be back in the morning.'' "So basicly they asked you to babysit me," "you can look at it that way but think about it this way I'm here to cater to your every need."Harry liked the sound of that so we ate dinner and everything so we finally went to sleep and I was screaming because of a bad dream before I knew it Harry was right there waking me up and cuddling me to make sure I was ok,"it's ok baby girl Harry's here he'll make it go away,is there anything I could for you baby girl," "there is one thing," I said."And whats that,"Harry asked seriously, "snuggle with me to make the pain go away," I said. "What pain," "the pain in my head, just hold don't leave me PLEASE?" "It's ok I'm not going anywere!"
After talking about the dream me and Harry fell asleep in each others arms. When his parents came in they ran and got mine to show them how cute we were together. I woke up first and they freaked me out at first so I jumped and when I did that it woke Harry up to. "So what happend," my father asked, Harry replied," she had a bad dream and got scared so we stayed together for the night so if she got scared I'd be right here to protect her." Our moms started crying at how sweet he was so I grabbed his hand and got back into his lap and snuggled back into him and went back to sleep. They all started laughing at us because he just there and continued talking like I wasn't there. Harry kept kissing my head for no reason but I liked it.
The next day left one day till our wedding and I was so exicited. Harry keept sliping my parents trailer and sleeping next to in case I had nightmares, but mainly to keep me safe.
"As I'm walikng down the aisle Dad make sure I don't fall! please?" "Darling don't worry I won't let you fall as I give my only daughter away." he said he teared up. "Dad don't worry I'll always be you little girl I'm never going to not be your baby girl!" As I walked down the aisle Mom cried and as Dad sat down he broke down for the first time ever.
As I looked into Harry's eyes as he said his vows I cried and Mom cried and so did his parents. We both said our vows, kissed, then went with our family and friends and danced I danced with Harry's little teenage brother who had a crush on me to.
That night after the wedding we went home to our trailer and went straight to bed. I woke up early in the morning and cooked Harry breakfast before he went to work. The first thing he did was used the bathroom, than he came behind me and grabed my waist turned me around and kissed me like he never has before. After he ate I cleaned up and went back to bed while he took a shower. When he got out he kissed me than walked out to go to work.
Elenor came over today and we talked about differnt things and it turns out she's pregnate again. This time she wants another boy, but I said Louis will want a girl. "So have you told him yet?" "Yes he's super exicited and can't wait for this one!"
After Elenor left Harry walked in and said,"Honey I'm home! Did you miss while I was gone?" "Harry you were only gone for eight hours. But yes I did miss you.ALOT!" "Thats good because I've been thinking nothing more than making love to you!" "But Harry I've got to finish making dinner, so STOP kissing my neck!" "Ok but after dinner it's on understand?" " Yes Harold I understand." "Good.''
After dinner was amazing leaving the kitchen dirty because Harry picked me up and carried me to the bed and started to undress himself and me. He slowly and carefully made love to me, this time he used a condom cause we don't want a baby just yet plus I'm on the pill.
In the morning I went to do the normal routine but Harry clenched me tight. I turned over in his arms and kissed his forhead and said," let me go so I can go and make your breakfast before you go to work." He looked up at me and said," I think I caught the cold I don't feel good." "Oh babe I'll go make you some tea and honey!" "No just stay with me like that night you had the nightmare and I stayed with you now it's your turn to stay with me!" I looked at him and said," well let me use the bathroom and make us some drinks and turn on a movie, ok love?" "ok, but hurry up the bed don't feel the same with out you."
"After a whole day of snuggling and watching movies and drinking tea he was better so he was good to go to work today." I told Elenor when she came over today after I said that she said," Harry? watching movies? he hates movies!" "Well he was laughing?" "At how much you got into them he always loved that about you!" " What? At how much I like really any movie?" "Yes, but anyways do you think you can watch Jackson for tonight while me and Lou go to the docters today and tomorrow?" "Of course, it will be fun with Nanny and Uncle Harry." "Good, thank you so much heres his bag and some of his toys." "Welcome!"
When Harry came home he was surprised to see Jackson sleeping in our bed. "What you stole my sisters' baby?" "No! She has to to the doctor today and tomorrow with Lou." "Oh, so now I get to see how good you are with kids." "And vice-versea.'' ''Your on, babe!" "You bet!"
So I ended up losing our bet but now Harry wants to have a baby like ASAP. But thing is I don't want a baby yet. Should I tell him and cause an arguement or just like not have sex with him.
So when Harry came home I told him to sit down and that we needed to talk. "Harry I don't know how to tell you this but..........'' ''But what Gabby what is this about?" " Well I don't want to have a baby just yet I don't want an arguement I just want to wait till I'm nineteen instead of seventeen, if thats ok with you?" " Gabby thats all you had to say and yes we can wait I mean you are the one who has to carry the baby in your belly not me! Just don't ever scare me like that again I thought you wanted to leave me.'' " Harry look at me, I'd never leave you I love you to much I'd die without you."
Then 'BOOM' it happend we were having sex and I relized after we were done that I haven't taken my pill in over a month since the wedding." Harry did you wear a condom?" "No, why you still take the pill? Right?" "No, I forgot to take it this month" "S***" We yelled at the same time, "we have to wait and see what happens.'' "Ok" Was all we said for the rest of the night.
Two weeks later I started to get sick during breakfast at first I thought it was nothing until the thrird day it happend. "Harry I think I'm pregnate." "What? Why?'' "Morning sickness, eating alot, mood swings." " I'm going to be a father?" "Yes!" I said with a happy tone.
The next few month went by and I got bigger and bigger until on Harry's birthday I basicly popped. On Febuary 1st, 1999 baby 'Darcey Marissa Styles' was born and Harry looked at me after I had her and said, "This is the best birthday present anyone could have given me ever! Thank you Gabby, thank you for Darcey, thank you for making me have a reason to live!" I looked at him with weak, heavy eyes and said," Then we both have a good reason to live now let me take a nap, ok babe?" "Ok sweetie rest then you can hold Darcey.''
And with that her last breath left her body but not before she said" I've had my time here on earth, but see you in a matter of time I love you both a lot!" and with that a ton of nurses fled into the room and grabed the baby put her in the nursery and tried to revive Gabby but it was to late. Every one in her family broke down but Harry had to stay strong not for himself, but for Darcey.
When Darcey gets scared or was sad she looks up to her loving father and says," tell me a story about my Mom, why is she not here with us Dad?" "Well baby girl right after she had you," Harry started to cry, so Darcey took her small fingers to his cheeks and wiped away the tears,"she went into kidney failer and passed away, she died. But at least I have you, you look just like her?" ''Really Dad?" "Well when she was fourteen you would have looked like twins!" Harry said with a laugh."How old was she, when she had me?" "Seventeen, she never even got to see your face, but you are the best gift she could have ever have given me." "Thanks Dad your the best Dad ever!" ''Thanks baby girl!" "What was the last thing she said?" '' Well she said " I've had my time here on earth, but see you in a matter of time I love you both a lot!" "Well Dad how could she love me if she never seen or touched me, what if she is looking down on us from Heaven and hates me?" "Baby girl she don't hate you she was so happy when she heard she was pregnate for you, you were all she ever wanted and she never got to hold you but I promised to her and God I would do anything for you, and I've stuck to that promise." "Dad?" "Yes babygirl," " I just wanted to stay I love you more than anything in this world." "Love you too, now go to sleep you have school in the morning, and Jackson and Elizabeth are coming to our house tomorrow!" "YAY"was all she said till she went to her room and went to sleep.
After Gabby died Harry sold the trailer and moved into a house and made Darcey go to school everyday unless she was sick. He vowed to take very good care of her and he did. Or so he thought he did until one day he got a call. Darcey was walking home from scholl like she wanted to everyday after school and someone shot her in the head. Harry got a call from the police station and got told the news and he finally broke down and ran in to the middle of the street and got hit by an eightteen wheeler truck. now that they were all gone the lived in Heaven in each others arms for ever now no one stood in there way of reuniteing a once broken family.

The author's comments:
I spent a lot of time on this so hope you like it

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This article has 2 comments.

on Jun. 1 2013 at 11:54 pm
Gabby70043 BRONZE, Chalmette, Louisiana
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Where words fail; Music speaks.

well rnnieann thank you even though it is hard to read what you wrote it will help me become a better writterso thank you for your feed back.

on May. 23 2013 at 1:09 pm
RonnieAnn BRONZE, Bates City, Missouri
4 articles 0 photos 7 comments
I really enjoyed your story but the grammer made it kind of hard to read and the fact that it ended really fast kinda made it not as good... I dont mean to sound rude if I am I'm sorry