The Crash | Teen Ink

The Crash

March 19, 2013
By Anonymous

“I saw the lights flashing, heard the cries, screams, and sirens. I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. A tear slid down my face as I recalled tonight’s events.” It was summer’ 09. My boyfriend and I were sitting in the airport waiting for our plane to be called.
“Flight 315” called the attendant.
Nick smiled at me “That’s us, you ready?”.
I smiled back “Ready”. Nick and I were going to the Bahamas for the first week of summer vacation.

As we sat on the plane, I thought of how fun this trip was going to be, and the memories Nick and I were going to make. When our plane arrI'ved we got our carry-ons and headed to security. It was getting late and we still had to pick up our luggage and get our rental car. It was 9:30 p.m. when we headed off to our condo.

“You do know I love you right? And this is going to be the best trip ever?” Nick asked after ten minutes of silence in the car.
“Yes it is Nick.”
He looked over at me and laughed. “I love you, too,” I said and his smile grew.
All of a sudden we heard a bunch of honking and Nick looked back at the road. He quickly jerked the car back into the lane we had drifted out of. It made this horrid screeching noise and the next thing I knew we were in the air and flipping. The windshield shattered as we flipped again. I felt a sharp pain in my stomach as I hit my head against the dashboard. It seemed like an eternity until the car stopped upside down in the ditch down the side of the road. I heard the screams of a few people from the side of the road, and then I heard Nick cry out. “Brooke! Brooke! Are you ok?” I didn’t have enough strength to yell back so I just let out a soft whisper “Yes.” As he unbuckled his seatbelt he hit the ground with a thump and groaned. Then I felt his warm arms wrap around me and unbuckle my seatbelt. I fell into his lap and looked up at his face. I saw the blood dripping down his face he had cuts and bruises from the crash and he was crying. I began to tear up. “It’s going to be ok. I promise” he whispered as he pulled me out of the car and laid me on his lap. I looked down at my stomach and saw the large piece of glass piercing me.
“It hurts so bad, Nick.”
Whipping his tears away he replied, “I’m so sorry. This is all my fault”.
It broke my heart to see Nick like this. My eyes began to fill with tears “I love you”. Slowly, I felt more tired. I just wanted to close my eyes and make the pain go away, but I couldn’t leave Nick. “This isn’t your fault,” I said.
He looked back down at me ,“It is”.
I felt more tears fall down my cheek, “Promise me you won’t blame yourself for this, Nick”.
He looked me in the eyes, “I promise.”
I gave him a weak smile. “Don’t forget I love you,” I said as I squeezed his hand.
He whispered to me “Brooke I love you so much, you are my world. I will always love you.” As my eyes began to close I used all my energy to gI've him one last smile. I felt his soft lips touch mine as my body relaxed, the pain seemed to go away and soon everything disappeared.

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