Romance | Teen Ink


March 7, 2013
By Anonymous

Once upon a time in far away island lived a girl, who was named Bella. Now this girl usually is upbeat and loves to spend time with her friends and family. Now this girl is unlike all the other girls, and all the other girls didn’t approve of her, because she would rather spend time with Lucas, who is her best friend or play basketball, then go shopping or get a makeover. Now Bella didn’t think she was better than anyone or anything in school she kept to herself and her close friends. Lucas and Bella had been friends since they were born. Their families had meant even before either where born, since both their mothers where little girls. So, in other words they grow up with each other. They were very close friends all throughout their lives. They had been threw breaks ups, deaths, drama, school; they have even made it through fights of their own. These two were almost always together; they lived right across the straight from each other and were 99% of the time together, or talking. Now take in mind this was both of their senior years, Bella was going to college in Texas, and Lucas was going to Colorado. Now, think about the fact that they haven’t been apart longer than a week since they were born. And memory they had where with each other, and of course they had talked about college, but avoided it as much as possible. They were two peas in a pod, every one also teased them that they were going to get married and end up together, and of course Bella didn’t mind that at all because she was secretly in love with Lucas, but with them going to completely different states; Bella worried they would grow apart and she wouldn’t matter to Lucas anymore, that he would just replace her. As graduation became closer and closer Bella finally decide that she was going to talk to Lucas about her feelings for him. Bella called Lucas and he agreed to come over, he told her he had great news to share with her. Once he got there Bella let him tell her first, he seem very excited about what he was about to share. Then Lucas told Bella that he had a girlfriend, and that they were going to college together. Instantly Bella’s heart sank and she wanted to cry but held back all tears and hugged him, and told him she was very happy for him. The weekend came very fast and Lucas had wanted to take both of his favorite girls out to eat, and of course Bella agreed. Once they got there Bella felt uncomfortable and very unwelcome by April. Which she just ignored because she was really only there to make Lucas happy, and he looked happy. Dinner was over they dropped April off; Lucas walked her to the door and then they kissed, and slowly a tear fell from Bella’s face. She wiped the tear away as she seen Lucas walking towards the car. Once she got home, she went home and cried herself to sleep. Lucas slowly faded away from Bella; they slowly spent less and less time together. Bella couldn’t wait for graduation to come to get away from all this and forget that Lucas even existed anymore. Well finally graduation was finally here, and Bella wanted it to be over with, but everywhere she looked there was family and friends, and worst of all she had her graduation party with Lucas and his family. Every time Bella got anywhere close to Lucas, April would give her a nasty look, and stick her nose up like she was better; and of course Bella didn’t do any or tell anyone. Finally college came for Bella, than before she knew it Christmas was here. She went home to see her mother and father and ran into Lucas in the grocery store; they talked for an hour or two. Lucas had told her that April and he had broken up, that she got never controlling after they got to college, and he couldn’t handle it. Bella wasn’t happy, but she wasn’t surprised either, she had figured that day would be coming soon. Bella had only one year left of college, went by faster then she could of believed. Which to a point she was ok with because she was moving to Texas to live with Lucas; they had talked things out and decided to try the whole dating, which was hard at first, but they made it through the year. Now Bella is all moved in and has a wonderful paying job. She loves Texas and never wants to leave. Lucas and Bella have been having fun, and their relationship is working better than they ever thought that it would. They plan on getting married in a year or two, depending on how everything plays out with Lucas’s college and work.

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