Till Death Do Us Part | Teen Ink

Till Death Do Us Part

February 20, 2013
By Anonymous

It was a very cold July morning when the sun was just beginning to peek over the horizon. Ryan knew it was time to pack the last of his things and head towards the base. He had been dreading this moment ever since he fell head over heels for Laura just a couple months earlier. They had just moved in together and we just starting to get settle in and now it was time for him to pick up and leave. While he finished packing trying to be as quiet as possible assuming Laura was still sound asleep. Laura laid in bed watching the sun rise whenever so suddenly tears began streaming down her face. She knew this day would eventually come and now that it was here she was devastated. She couldn’t believe the one person who loved her for her was about to depart overseas to fight in the ongoing war with North Korea. Lost in thought and tears, suddenly Ryan came over to her side of the bed wiped the tears from her eyes and said, “I have a surprise for you!” Looking shock and confused she mumble, “Ok?” He dropped to his knee and pulled out the delicate but littlest black box. Her eyes open wide with disbelief and wonder. Ryan looked her straight in the eyes and whispered, “ Will you marry me?” Laura taken off guard stuttered and said, “Yes a million times yes!!” Tears were streaming down her face but this time they were tears of happiness. Ryan rose off his knee and slide the diamond ring down her delicate finger. He then look at her and kissed her ever so softly. When they finally broke away from one another. Ryan looked towards the clock resting on the nightstand and said with a deep sigh, “Its time to go.” Laura quickly got up and threw on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt and grab Ryan’s hand and said, “Lets go.” Laura opened the passenger door of Ryans beat up ford and slide in. As she sat there waiting for Ryan to finish loading up the truck. She couldn’t help but stare down at the beautiful diamond ring that now rested on her finger. Lost in thought she jumped a little when Ryan opened the driver side door. As he slide in and seeing the expression on her face he said, “You ok?” She replied softly, “Yes just admiring this beautiful ring that my fiance gave me.” Ryan smiled and said, “I like the sound of that.” In that moment everything was perfect that Ryan forgot for a split second what was ahead of him. The drive to the base seemed long but short all at the same time. Laura was having mixed emotions she was the happiest she’d ever been but yet the saddest all at the same time. She couldn’t believe the love of her life would but leaving her in just a few more miles. Ryan trying not to think about what was ahead and kept replay the moment when Laura accepted his proposal. Finally they pulled up to the gates of the base. They both looked towards one another and gave a small slit smile of happiness but yet sadness. Ryan park his truck and turned off the engine. For that moment both of them sat in silence. Ryan finally turned toward her and spoke, “I wish I didn’t have to go.” Laura put her head down and replied, “Me too.” Ryan touch the bottom of Laura chin and pulled it up so they were looking into each other eyes. Tears began to slowly fall down Laura face. Ryan softly wiped them away and said softly to her, “I will return to you I promise.” “Nothing will keep us from living our life together.” Laura looked and him and gave him a quick loving peck. Then they opened their car doors and slid out. Ryan went to the trunk to grab his bag. Laura walked up to him and grabbed his hand and they walked towards the meeting place for the military members. After Ryan got all sign in and filled out all the necessary paperwork. It was time for him to gather his things and get on the bus and leave. He turns towards Laura looks at her and says, “I love you with all my heart.” Laura looks up into his eyes and says, “I love you too.” Ryan picked her up and hug her tight. He put her down gave her one last passionate kiss and then walked up the stairs onto the bus. Laura watch as the bus pulled away and wonder if she’d ever get to see him again.

The author's comments:
This is a short story of a couple being split apart after falling madly in love.

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