Daisy | Teen Ink


January 9, 2013
By Anonymous

I stared at the little daisy, hardly a flower; wrinkled petals, a stub of a stem, my heart filling. It was bright and beautiful. Yellow just like the tie peeking out from between the folds of his jacket. Heat flooded my cheeks. My eyes trailed across its worn petals and short stem, finally lingering on the hand of its carrier. I smiled to myself, aware of his smoldering gaze on my face. I averted those magnificent eyes; warmth creeping into my cheeks, also conscious of all the gorgeous 6 feet and 4 inches of him. I glanced up into his face, anxious. Clear, emerald eyes stared back at me. Their depth was impeccable, mesmerizing. Framed with dark eyelashes, their radiance was brilliant. I surrendered the claim on my body. The heat, the unbearable, stifling heat filled me. My head spun and my blood bubbled, my heart was stilled, eyes glued on his. A few moments later, I shook myself, mind and body out of the trance. Face on fire, expression blank, I clumsily tried to regain control of my breath and, in the process, find my voice. I redirected my gaze to the gorgeous little thing in his hand, drew a shaky breath, and stuttered,
“I-I m-meant to uh, tell you earlier… I, uh, l-like, uh, like your tie.” I laughed lightly, self-conscious, face burning.
He chuckled softly. My eyes immediately flashed to his face, searching.
“I know, I wore it just for you.”
My heart leapt in my chest. Eyes flickering to his, speechless and stunned I stood looking into his gorgeous face. He smiled beautifully, his face shining, a smile so striking; heart-stopping. At those glowing eyes and that tender expression I succumbed. I dropped my gaze, my face, eyes locked on the ground.
His voice shattered the darkness, piercing my heart, although it was soft. My skin prickled, goose bumps running all along my arms. A voice like smooth velvet. A voice pleasant and soothing, warm and soft like a summer’s breeze wrapping itself around me. His voice, sweet like honey aroused me back to reality and back to his face. Hesitant, I reached for the flower in his outstretched hand staring at it admiringly. My heart pounded, threatening to burst out of my chest and my hands shook. I sneaked a quick glance into his gorgeous face, meeting his striking emerald eyes for a second. They were glowing. He smiled sweetly, his eyes, limpid pools of radiating emeralds.
“Thank you.”
I fingered the soft, fragile petals at loss for words, breathless. As I stared at the flower, I felt him take hold of my trembling hand. My heart sputtered in my chest, pulse racing, blood hot in my veins. Glancing at his hand wrapped around mine, my face seared with awkwardness and surprise. The skin on my hand tingled, the blood white-hot. I lost feeling in my limbs, my body, all but the hand sheltered in his, which prickled uncontrollably. His hand stung in mine and tears sprang to my eyes. Shyly I met his eyes, glancing into his face. His face was radiant, beautiful, eyes flashing. Those emerald eyes bored into mine, sending prickling sensations everywhere. He caressed my hand softly. My heart, frenzied, throbbed relentlessly against my ribcage and loudly in my eardrums. Feeling light-headed, I glimpsed fluttering black spots and blobs blurring my vision. He spoke, gazing lovingly into my eyes. My ears seemed to turn themselves on and off. I caught bits and pieces of what he was saying and flashes of his amazing smile, of a grin and a chuckle.
“…this time…waiting…tell you…like you.” His voice trailed off. I noticed the surprise and concern flash in his eyes.
My eyes swept across his beautiful features. My mind could not have and did not register the moments prior to his placing a hand on my face. His touch sent a spark of electricity rippling through my body. I flinched. Undeterred, he lightly brushed his fingertips across my cheek. The gentle gesture took my breath away. My skin burned; the ground swirled around me; lights, colors, distorted images blurring my vision. My head spun. In a few moments, his face reappeared as I blinked ferociously. His soft eyes came into view awakening my every sense.

“Yes?” I answered
“Did you hear me?” he asked, a puzzled look drawn across his face.
“Hmm? Oh, uh, no.” I answered drawn to his magnificent eyes, while aware of his perfect mouth and lips as they moved to shape and form words and the hand that enveloped mine almost completely.
“I’m in love with you, Lizzie”. He took a deep breath and then sighed, staring lovingly into my eyes.

It was then that I realized that I was holding my breath. I sighed, releasing the anxiety, and all the bottled-up emotions. As I stared into his face, my heart softened completely; melting. He looked just like I felt; breathless, jittery and unsure. He shook out his already- tousled auburn hair, running a skittish hand through it and grinned weakly. I shyly reached for his other hand. He intertwined our fingers and smiled. My heart convulsed in my chest giving rise to a warm, bubbly feeling. I felt so light on my feet, as if I were floating. I grasped his hands and fixed my eyes on his.

“I love you too, Daniel. I whispered. My skin prickled with goose bumps. He slowly leaned in closer until our foreheads were almost touching. I lay my face on his chest, welcoming his arms, falling into them. He wrapped his arms around me as I hid my face in the crook of his shoulder.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jan. 14 2013 at 7:10 pm
hannaj15 SILVER, Kennerdell, Pennsylvania
7 articles 0 photos 12 comments
I love this!! Great writing. There are so many times that the writers don't finish their work, make me want more, but they are done. Thank you for continuing. Write something else?