Was it Fate? | Teen Ink

Was it Fate?

January 9, 2013
By emily.simonson BRONZE, Amery, Wisconsin
emily.simonson BRONZE, Amery, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

It all started on a summer day. Emma was walking around the fair with her friend, Alex. They were talking about sports, school and relationships. Emma was single and Alex was dating Emma’s best friend, Rita. Alex suggested that Emma start talking to his friend Devin. She was open to the fact of meeting Devin, but really didn’t think anything would come of it. Alex was describing Devin and he sounded perfect; athletic, smart, and nice. He was a senior stud. He sounded so awesome! As Emma and Alex were walking past the pitching booth at the fair, Devin was pitching. He was the starting pitcher for the high school team. Emma was pretty amazed by his pitching and was even more nervous to talk to him now. After he pitched, Alex called him over.

“Hey Alex,” said Devin.

“Hey man. This is Emma. She doesn’t go to our school but she is a really good friend of mine,” said Alex.
Right at that moment, Devin and Emma’s eyes locked. She got a chill up her spine and really bad butterflies in her stomach. Of course she had seen guys before, but something about Devin was different. He had the prettiest eyes ever, and something about him just felt right.

“Hey Emma,” he said in a soft and sweet tone.

“Hi. That was a good pitch, pretty much a pro pitch.” She said.

He laughed and said, “Thanks, not quite though.”
Emma really enjoyed talking to him, but he had to go. They exchanged goodbyes and he gave her his number so they could talk sometime. After he left, Alex and Emma continued to walk around the fair. He was just telling her about Devin and what kind of guy he was. At this point, she didn’t know what to think. As Alex was explaining, so many things were running through her mind. They lived about an hour away from each other so it would be hard for them to see each other. Beside the fact that Alex said Devin’s parents were super strict and didn’t let him do much. However, Emma didn’t want to think this far ahead because she didn’t even know if anything would come of it.

About two months passed and Emma had not contacted Devin because she lost his number. One day, while cleaning up her room, she stumbled upon his number. Was it fate? This made her excited and she decided to text him. He messaged her back and they talked all night. Now, Emma was really interested; however, she still didn’t want to push anything because of experiences in her past relationships. Emma had been in two relationships, the first, in eighth grade. She had fallen head over heels over the school bad boy. She liked him for over a year and then he finally asked her out. They dated for a week and then he dumped her over a phone call, and she was crushed. The second was her freshman year in high school. She fell for a junior boy. She thought he was completely adorable but yet, he had plenty of experience in the dating field. After they liked each other for about two months, he told her he didn’t like her anymore. This kind of made her lose trust in guys for a short time. She decided to just stay single for a while and stop looking, until she met Devin.

Emma and Devin continued to talk for about two months. They talked about everything, what they want to be, what sports they are in, everything. After about two months of talking, they decided they wanted to hang out again. Devin couldn’t really hang out though because of his parents, so Emma decided to go to one of his basketball games. The anticipation leading up to days before his game was very high. So many things were running through her mind. “What if he doesn’t like me or what if I’m not pretty enough for him?” She was a nervous wreck. She decided to have some of her friends, Kimberly and Megan, go with her for moral support.

Finally, it was the day of the game. Emma couldn’t stop thinking about everything that could go wrong. She was super nervous. She didn’t even know if he would get to talk to her because of his parents. The day couldn’t seem to go any slower. At last, it was the end of the day. After her mind was running all day long, it was time to go to Kimberly’s house to get ready before the game. Kimberly prettied Emma up for the game. On the way to the game, Emma could barely drive because she was so nervous. She was shaking so badly. Kimberly and Megan kept reassuring her that everything would be fine. They finally reached the school. This was it. As she walked in the school, she could hear all the activity going on in the gym. When she entered the gym, she immediately saw him. He was over talking to his friends and they made eye contact instantly. Her stomach dropped with butterflies. It was one of those good feelings though.

During the game, Devin kept looking over at Emma. She knew it. Kimberly knew it. Megan knew it. They all knew it. That was a really good sign. Then, the game was over and Devin’s team won. After the game, Devin was standing over by his parents talking to them and Emma was over by her friends. They were just looking at each other. His parents hugged him goodbye and then they left the gym. This was her opportunity to talk to him. He started walking over towards Emma and she had butterflies at that moment. The worst butterflies she has ever had. As she was standing in the gym, Devin game over to her and started talking to her.

“Hey,” he said.

“Hey, you did really well tonight,” said Emma.

“Thanks, but I better get going, but I will definitely talk to you later,” he said as he was walking backwards.

“Okay, bye. Talk to you later.”
When he turned around, he ran into the trash can. No matter how embarrassing that was, Emma couldn’t help but think it was adorable. Her friends were waiting for her outside the gym to ask her how it was. Her friends all thought the whole relationship was adorable.
“You guys are so cute together!” said Megan.
“Yes! You guys need to date!” said Kimberly.
“He totally likes you!” said Megan.
Emma and her friends talked outside the gym for about ten minutes, but then they had to get going. As they were walking outside the school to Emma’s car, to her surprise, Devin was right outside the school waiting for the bus to get there. He was surrounded by all of his friends. His friends called Emma over and she went over.

“Devin wants to hug you,” said one of Devin’s friends.
At that moment, they were both turning red and yes, they did hug. It was perfect. Everything was perfect about the day. For once in her life, she had a guy that wouldn’t treat her horribly. Devin was a true gentleman. She had always been cautious to fall in love before because of her past experiences with it, but with Devin, it was different. She wasn’t really cautious for some odd reason. She was confident about this one. Sadly, she had to go home, and he had to get on the bus. As they got in the car, Emma just took a deep breath. Kimberly and Megan were laughing because they were so happy for her but she couldn’t think at the moment. She just put her forehead on the steering wheel, turned on the car and just breathed. When she turned on the car, her favorite song was playing on the radio. It was the cutest song ever about a relationship. Was it fate?

The months passed and Devin and Emma continued to talk. Everything about this was completely perfect. They really got to know each other; whether it was what their favorite type of ice cream was, or what their favorite movies were. Once Devin finally turned 18, his parents let him go out. Finally, on a Wednesday, in a cafe, Devin asked Emma out. Immediately, without hesitation, she said yes! They were official. Her parents were fine with it too because they knew Emma was a very responsible girl and would stay out of trouble. She was a little nervous about the relationship, but she knew that she loved him so that’s all she needed to know. Another thing that ran through her mind was that he was going to college in the fall and she wouldn’t be able to see him very much. She knew he was going to the college two hours away so she would get to see him but not very frequently. This worried her but she knew that if they truly loved each other, they could stay together even if there was a rough patch in the road.

They spent the whole summer together. Pretty much every minute they could. The summer was perfect and to surprise Devin, Emma took him to a professional baseball game. For her seventeenth birthday in July, Devin set up a candlelight picnic in the park. Everything he did, in her mind, was adorable. He was the sweetest thing ever. However, summer can’t last forever. Finally, the summer came to an end. Devin had to go to college and some rough patches were straight ahead for the couple. After thinking it over for a while, Devin made the hardest decision of his life. He broke up with Emma. He knew it would be impossible for them to stay in touch with him away at college and Emma having so many other things going on in her life. He felt that she wouldn’t have had a “normal” high school life if all she could think about was how much she wanted to be with him at the moment and not focusing on living life while she was young. Emma cried for days. Out of all of her heartbreak in the past, this was the worst one. She couldn’t even look at guys the same way. Every time she looked at another guy, she pictured Devin. He was all she could think about but she knew she had to move on. He was two hours away and she was stuck in high school for the next two years. She was hopeless.

Well, those two years flew by. Before she knew it, she was graduating high school. She was only going to college an hour away and she hadn’t spoken or kept in touch with Devin for those whole two years. She was more over him now and the scars from the relationship were healing; however, she felt that there would always be a part of her that would be in love with him. She was excited to start a new life in college and not have to deal with any problems like that.
Her first day of college was very good. She made plenty of friends, enjoyed all of her classes and even enjoyed the food in the cafeteria. There was only one problem though. The whole day, she kept seeing Devin everywhere; in her classmates, dorm mate, and even professors. It was very strange. She thought she was going crazy. Finally, her first day of college was over. She couldn’t be more relieved. She was very ready to get to her dorm and take a nice, warm shower. As she was walking to her dorm, she spotted yet another Devin. Again, she felt as if she were going insane. Yet, something about this one was different. As she remembered back to that summer at the small county fair, this one’s eyes had that same sparkle and she immediately got butterflies. Right then, she knew she wasn’t imagining this one. This was the real thing. As she approached him, he said hi. Something about him made her feel at home again. Was it fate?

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This article has 2 comments.

on Jan. 18 2013 at 2:16 pm
emily.simonson BRONZE, Amery, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 1 comment
Thank you! (: let's just say i know Emma veryy well. ;)

on Jan. 14 2013 at 8:42 am
Laurel-F. BRONZE, Willow Spring, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 10 comments
This is really good! You make Devin and Emma very likeable characters! Please read and rate my story.