Lost Love | Teen Ink

Lost Love

December 20, 2012
By Anonymous

As it sits on the small table, my heart beats unevenly while my eyes evaluate the details of nature. The colors blend into a new world full of wonder, and it’s all my eyes can focus on - the white is for disappearance; the opalescence that has vanished. The red represents the love that once existed; holding hands in the moonlight, and dancing until dawn. Green reminds me of the flourishing adoration that grew upon us, but the blue means hope, sorrow, and rue.

My hands still grip the small note he gave me, but I don’t dare to read it again. Tears were filling up my eyes, and slowly cascading down my cheek like a waterfall. I’ll never forget his smile, his laugh, his beauty. He would look into my eyes and grin, then say the three words that a girl could never forget - “I love you”. I would blush and turn away, then giggle as he grabbed my waist and pulled me forward, planting a small, gentle kiss on my lips.

Everything was so perfect - but then something hit the both of us and we fell to the ground, and we didn’t bother to lift each other up. I look in the mirror and see a face covered in misery - hair tangled and greasy, my skin pale as snow. My eyes follow back behind me, and I glare at that thing. It only makes me visualize everything in my past - they had all been good memories, but now they mean nothing.
I walk over to the object with detailed artwork covering it from top to bottom, and I look through the transparent glass. “For Rosa. From Daniel,” is what I carefully read - making me tense and forcing me to hold in tears. Bugs crawl on the foliage, each one stinging my heart and creating a lost visualization of the love that was once held high by passion and courage, but now nothing can keeps us strong. He begged for another chance, but all I gave him was a goodbye.

The author's comments:
In creative writing class we had an assignment to evaluate a piece of artwork and write a story about it, and this is what I came up with.

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