The Princess & Me | Teen Ink

The Princess & Me

December 11, 2012
By MelissaLopez SILVER, Pasco, Washington
MelissaLopez SILVER, Pasco, Washington
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The Princess & Me

This happened about a year ago, it was in a small village far away. I was at a party when I saw the most beautiful girl in the world. She was like a princess, an angel from heaven. My heart started to beat fast, my hands were sweating, and I felt butterflies in my stomach. My feet trembled when I saw her. Suddenly she turned around and she looked at me and smiled. My world was enlightened; my heart told me that she was the one. The girl that I had been waiting for my entire life she was everything that I had ever dreamed of. She was something so beautiful and I didn’t know how, but I knew I had to get to know her.

One of my cousins that knew her came up to me and told me that she could help me get to know her. In that moment I felt very nervous, but happy. My cousin went in and when she came back outside she had a big smile on her face. She said that she would love to get to know me. That’s when I knew I had to get into action, so that night I had to dress up and try to look my best. I had to give her a good impression at the party. I told myself I had to be brave, it was time for the party.

After an hour at the party, I eventually came up to her even though I was scared that she would not like me or that she would ignore me. I didn’t know what to say, and then I said something stupid. She turned around, fortunately, she smiled and said hi. I gave her a lot of flowers every day, and each day that I knew her more I knew that she was the one for me. She was the most wonderful person in the world, my “other half” like everyone says. She and I had a great connection with each other, we started going out for a few days and then I finally asked her to be my girlfriend.

Weeks passed and she had to go back home because she didn’t live here, she was on vacation for a few weeks. After she left, two months later we broke up. That left me devastated, I was really in love with her, but I knew she was confused and even though it hurt me I let her go. We were far apart and I didn’t want to lose contact with her, I missed her. So I texted her once in a while, wondering if she still remembered me or if she would answer me. I didn’t know much of what was going on with her, I eventually didn’t text her at all. It was hard but I knew it was for the best.

Months passed and I was going to her country for a few months, where I would be close to where my princess lived. My feelings for her never faded away, I decided I was going to do everything to be with her again, and make her fall in love with me. While I was on my way there I started texting her again. I could tell by the way she answered she was surprised, but in a way that she didn’t really care. My phone stopped working since it was from another country and I couldn’t pay it in the US. Her birthday was coming up and I didn’t know how I was going to do it but I had to call her that day. I did everything possible to get a new phone. Then I called her to congratulate her on her special day. She didn’t recognize it was me.

From that day on we started talking more often, and soon it started being every day then every few hours I knew she still felt something for me. A month later she came to visit me even though it was still three hours away. Then I asked her to be my girlfriend again and she accepted. I don’t know why, but I was falling even more for her. Now I worry about every single detail to make her happy. Every day I try to let her know every day how much she is worth to me, that she means the world to me. We will always be together and I want her to be the girl that I’ll be with the rest of my life. This has been the story of my beautiful princess and me.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Dec. 22 2012 at 10:05 am
TaylorWintry DIAMOND, Carrollton, Texas
72 articles 0 photos 860 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Never fear shadows. They simply mean there's a light shining somewhere nearby." - Unknown

It's interesting; I like how you used no dialogue... I got very confused at when he actually was at the party. The beginning was a bit mixed up. Good job, though.