The Popular Kid | Teen Ink

The Popular Kid

November 6, 2012
By Pattyn88 GOLD, Indianapolis, Indiana
Pattyn88 GOLD, Indianapolis, Indiana
18 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
"truth is everyone is going to hurt you, you just have to find the ones worth suffering for."
-Bob Marly

His name is Daley. I have known him since I was in sixth grade. I always thought he was cute in a quirky kind of way. He isn’t hot, but he defiantly isn’t ugly. He isn’t a jock, but he does hangout with them. He is nice and kind and very funny.
But it didn’t matter what I thought of him. He was Cali’s, and he had almost always been hers. Whenever she wanted to date him, they would start dating. I’d never understood how a boyfriend could be your property, or an accessory, but I guess in the popular girl world they can be. I always wondered why the relationship seemed totally run by her. A relationship is teamwork and love from two people. I don’t think Cali understood that. I figured that Daley must really like Cali, or being getting something more out of the relationship, because although Cali would flirt with other guys’ right in-front of him, he never left her. He never gave up, until last October, when he finally gave up on her.
Right after Cali and Daley had broken up he seemed like a whole different person. I thought he seemed happier, but maybe not. He started talking to more people, too; more people like me. He had started talking to me a week after he broke up with Cali. I had never had an actual conversation with him before. I had never realized how awesome he really was before then. We started to become friends. We started to become more than friends.
As we hung out more and more we realized we had a lot in common. We also realized that we liked each other. When he asked me out, my heart skipped a beat. I said yes, as quickly as I could and I was instantly happy. We kept our relationship our little secret for a month. With-in that month we fell in love. We finally decided to stop keeping our relationship a secret, so one day after school Daley rode the bus home with me. This seems like it wouldn’t be that big of a deal, except Cali not only rode my bus, but she lived down the street from me.
When we got on the bus and he sat down with me and held my hand, I could hear all hell breaking loose in the whispers if the popular girls behind us. If whispers weren’t bad enough all of Cali’s friends we’re planning their own full out harassment. I felt like what was happing to me could have been a scene in Mean Girls, if Cady hadn’t hung out with Regina and had dated Aaron. Cali had her friends tell me I wasn’t good enough for Daley, and to stop trying to move up in the social chain. It hurt. I had thought about breaking up with Daley a few times, but he was so sweet and he always defended me, so I stayed with him. He made me realize that it didn’t matter what other people thought about us, as long as we loved each other. He was one of the best boyfriends I ever had. He was definitely the sweetest.

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on Jan. 20 2013 at 7:15 pm
Amy64091 BRONZE, Rochester, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 4 comments
I love it so sweet