i love you | Teen Ink

i love you

March 4, 2011
By Anonymous

“ I love you babe” are words that I can’t say to any one. I can actually say this to my boyfriend, Angel, because he has proven to me, the year and nine months we have been together, that he actually wants to be by my side. Our kiss, an imaginable thing, and breathtaking, can determine what a true love is. This kiss was a memorable moment, which holds us together. When my parents put a restraining order, it meant that I couldn’t see him for four months. Recently when I was kicked out of my house, I was scared, alone, and not nothing what to do, he was the person that encouraged me emotionally in any way he could. For instance, when I didn’t have money for rent, he helped me pay half, he tolled me to not be afraid, and that everything is going to be ok. This caused me to conclude that he is the one, justifying the first kiss. “ Que solo por un beso, se puede enamorar.” [With just one kiss, you can fall in love.]

“ Love at first site” is a quote I never believed in. It was meaning less and none worthy because each time I would meet a guy that I thought I liked, they would end up making my heart bleed of pain and frustration. I was crushed, heart broken, and terrified for finding a guy that would make me feel pain inside of me. When I met my boyfriend, it was a whole different world, I felt like if the quote was actually speaking to me, “ you have to believe in me”, this was what I heard each time I saw him. Even though I didn’t know him that well, “ me llevo al infinito” [I got carried away to the infinity.] With that first kiss, sensational kiss, I fell in love, like a fat kid loves cake, without even saying any words. Before our first kiss even happen, what the only thing I knew about him was his name. I thought that the day he would ask me to be his girlfriend was never going to happen, that all it was an allusion and it would only happen in my dreams. For sure, I was certain that when we actually would be together, our love would be forbidden because my family are people who want everything perfect and they are expecting me to have a boyfriend that should be wealthy, so he can buy me everything I would want. All my life, my parent’s high expectations influenced me to always expect highly of my future husband. Then I realized that my true love was never going to meet up the high demands my parents would want and it was going to be like Romeo and Juliet. This made me feel that I would get more than a boyfriend full of money and empty hearten. Being loved, protected, and being by my side is what my true love means to me. My boyfriend has done theses actions and so much more. He tells me, “ Y solo por un beso con tigo soy feliz” it means “and only for kiss, with you I’m happy.” Having my prince charming, which is my boyfriend, has made me realize that you can love someone so much when they show you their love everyday when you’re with them.
Finding someone special in life it’s hard but all you need to do is to wait for that special person and they will come. You never know he might be the person you meet in about 10 minutes. I feel that true love is hard to find in this world because to me, it was so hard to trust anybody with my feelings. “En qualquier parte del mundo, no importa la religion.” [In any part of the world, religion doesn’t matter.] In my world, I actually found someone that I could count on to hear and understand my feelings. He doesn’t care what people say except for what him and I are thinking. Since we both have different beliefs, regarding religion, he tells me, “What only maters to me is that you love me and I love you.” “Voi al cielo, hablo con dios. Al canzo las estrellls de emocion.” [I'm heading to the sky. I speak to god. I'm reaching the stars with emotions.]

Knowing that I have my true love right by my side and him telling me he truly loves me, it causes my feelings and my heart to make me believe that this world is not so cruel. No matter how harsh or difficult the obstacles seem regarding my family, his love for me is genuine.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Mar. 12 2011 at 12:46 pm
LovelyMiss GOLD, Floresville, Texas
11 articles 0 photos 124 comments
True! Very true love can be found in the most craziest place:)nI liked this allot! "like a fat kid loves cake," haha nice. The guy sounds very sweet 'if he's real that is' always great job i loved how you used Spanish then translated it!:D