Not Everything Lasts | Teen Ink

Not Everything Lasts

December 18, 2022
By Emma2005 SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
Emma2005 SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Kelly's face burned with anger as she saw Sam's arms wrap around the woman's red-dressed body, her long-blond hair covering their kissing faces as they stood on Kelly's wooden front porch; Kelly glancing through her kitchen window with, "How could he do this to me" running through her mind as hot tears dripped down her cheeks; all with the 12 roses that stood on the sill of the window in front of her in a glass vase, the ones that Sam had gotten her the night before, with one of them slowly wilting away, just like Kelly and Sam's 2 years' love. 

The author's comments:

I normally write poems but I honestly couldn't resist a little writing challenge. Who knows maybe this one sentence will turn into twenty sentences in the future. 

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