Together, at last | Teen Ink

Together, at last

September 12, 2022
By allypal0m0 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
allypal0m0 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Together, at last 

Everyday was the same. Wake up, go to school, come home, and sleep. Alice hated her boring ordinary life, but soon there’d be someone who made her days somewhat… bright. 

Jasper was the quiet boy who didn’t have many friends. Nonetheless, Alice admired him down to the way he walked. She’d daydream about making eye contact with his beautiful hazel eyes. They both didn’t have great relationships with their families, and they felt alone in the small world they lived in. 

School started up again, and the two finally began a friendship that quickly escalated to something they dreamt of. All they had wanted was to be together, at peace, and in this small world. Months go by and the couple couldn’t be happier. The only downside is they can only be together at school for a limited amount of time. 

Alice and Jasper’s parents were very traditional. They believed that young people shouldn’t be together, and it was always a challenge for them to see each other. Despite their parents' opinions Jasper promised to stay with Alice, and she promised to stay right by his side. 

Unfortunately, as time progressed so did their need to spend quality time together. Neither of their parents budged when they would plead and beg to see each other. All they wanted was to make fun adventurous memories together, they’d fantasize about the things they wanted to do as a couple.

The urge to go out into the world filled both of their bodies from head to toe. So they planned to leave and never come back on Alice's 18th birthday. They had two weeks to prepare for their secret getaway without their parents' knowledge. Of course this wasn’t very difficult due to the simple fact that their parents just didn’t seem to care about their well being. A week goes by and the anticipation is growing day by day. At this point they’ve already saved a few months worth of money, bought plenty of food, and Alice's even fixed her grandpa's old car. They were all set and everything was going right. Alice's parents didn’t celebrate her birthday so she had planned to leave that night. 

The day comes and Alice gets up ecstatically with her favorite pair of bootcut jeans along with Jasper's favorite shirt of hers, she’s ready. Jasper jumped out of bed with excitement ready to leave with his dream girl, everything they ever wanted was finally going to fruition. So the school day went by and they both went home. Feeling both anxious but excited to go literally anywhere but their small town. 

The time is here. Alice called Jasper to confirm their plans; she was so excited she nearly fainted. At 12am she packed the car and successfully left to go pick up Jasper. Once she got to his house he ran out and jumped straight into the passenger seat. They just sat there in silence for a moment processing all that was going on. About a minute later Jasper broke the silence with a kiss and a hug. Alice began to drive toward the highway and just went. 

Driving to nowhere finally, the adventure they wished for. She drove until sunrise and checked their location, they were in Oregon. They stopped at a small diner at the edge of the highway for breakfast. No missed calls. No missed texts. Did their parents even care? Did they notice? Either way the two didn’t have the least bit of concern. Once they were back on the road  Jasper took the wheel. As Jasper was driving he noticed the car felt a little funny, but he didn’t think much of it and brushed it off.  

Now they were in a small town in Southern Oregon. They stopped at cool shops and different food places. Soon after they were back on the road driving for hours. They drove over a big pothole in the road and suddenly the car began shaking violently. Jasper tried to stop the car but couldn't. Alice got up and started  hysterically crying once she realized what was happening. Here they were on the highway cars all around them, unable to stop or slow down. They both look at each other, holding one another accepting their fate. They closed their eyes and that was the end of their little adventure. 

The evening came and the parents had gone all day with zero concerns for their kids' whereabouts. Alice’s mom notices she never saw her come home from school, so she went to go check on her only to see an untouched bed and her dinner from the night before. She quickly became concerned and tried calling her cell phone but no one answered. The only other person she would be with is Jasper of course, knowing that Alice’s parents rushed over to his house to see if she's there. Once they confronted Jasper’s parents they noticed that they also seemed to be worried. After they both agreed that the couple had run away together they sped to the police station. 

As the couple's parents entered the police station a news segment came on about a fatal car crash in southern Oregon. Alice’s mom's heart dropped as she saw her fathers car destroyed on the highway. Alice’s dad noticed the distraught look on her mom’s face and looked towards the TV. Both in utter shock they fell to their knees and let out a cry that startled the whole station. 

Alice and Jasper crashed their car on their little adventure. All they wanted was to be together, at peace, in this small world. Now they were together, at last. 

The author's comments:

What inspired me to write this was my own relationship because we were having problems with our families not agreeing with us being together. They kept us apart for a month and it was honestly the hardest thing for me. I went from seeing him almost 2 times a week to no times a week. 

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