The Beach | Teen Ink

The Beach

May 12, 2022
By natalieq BRONZE, El Paso, Texas
natalieq BRONZE, El Paso, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The beach has always been my favorite place since I was just a little girl. It has been my favorite spot ever since I met Noah. Running down the beach with him and surfing with him was my favorite. I loved the feeling of the golden sand between my toes. The light breeze gliding on our pale skin and running through our burnt umber hair. Unfortunately, this all changed when he passed away at the same beach. I used to love surfing until the accident, I would never forgive myself for letting him go out by himself that day. At first, I hated going to the beach because it reminded me of the accident. I would always have a memory of him drowning and never coming back home to me. I would cry myself to sleep sometimes since he wasn't by my side anymore. The sand always reminded me of his big golden eyes. I loved his eyes and the way they sparkled in the light. I miss seeing him wear his favorite blue shirt that reminded me of our favorite place, the ocean. I tried to move on but it never worked out because I did not have the same connection as I did with him. Over time I had come to realize that I didn't hate the beach I hated what happened to Noah. I loved the beach because of all the beautiful memories we made together. I miss when he would chase me down the pier until he caught me and we laughed till our stomachs hurt. I remember the day he said “I do” in his soft voice filled with excitement. After remembering all these amazing memories we made together, I had finally gone to the beach three months after Noah passed away. I stood at the pier contemplating if I should step foot on the beach. I had finally walked across the golden sand and reached the calm ocean. I dipped my toes into the warm water and I suddenly felt at home. I decided to lay in the warm golden sand since it reminded me of Noah's beautiful eyes that glistened in the light. When looking into the clouds I realized a cloud that looked a lot like a surfboard. I had realized Noah had been watching over me all along.

The author's comments:

This is one of the first stories I have ever written. I hope individuals around the world get to enjoy my work just as much as I enjoyed writing it.

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