Dark Red | Teen Ink

Dark Red

April 26, 2022
By Anonymous

Aiden’s ears started ringing. Something wasn’t right. He looked around for Elaini, the girl he had liked for almost three years straight. He saw her leaned over in her chair, whispering something to one of her many friends. She was completely surrounded by both the guys and girls in their class. Everyone loved her. His ears started ringing again. All of them had turned to look at him. She looked at him, giggled, and waved. He returned the gesture with a smile, of course, brushing his curly brown hair out of his eyes to see her clearly. She made her way to his table where he sat, alone. 

He composed all of the thoughts that rushed through his head and smiled at her again, “Hey, Elaini. What’s up?” 

“Hi Aiden,” she said. He noted the way her voice tone went up on the “ai” of his name and back down on the last syllable, it was how she always said his name.  “Where are you going to lunch today?” she asked, leaning toward him, over his table.

Something definitely wasn’t right. She never asked to go to lunch with him. She’d just tag along. “My house. You?”

“I was wondering if I could join you today,” she smiled at him, only slightly, “if that’s okay with you.” 

He watched her eyes trail along his face, into his eyes and down to his lips. Aiden’s looks were definitely better than any ordinary guy. He knew his looks weren’t stunning, but he made sure to stay athletic and keep all his muscles perfectly toned. Only for Elaini. “If you want to, go for it.” Aiden shrugged, watching her eyes continue to trace his face. “I won’t stop you.”

She nodded, “Don’t leave without me,” she turned to leave and go back to her crowded table. 

All the girls around her snuck small glances at him throughout the rest of the class period. Muttering to each other about Aiden’s features. He has a pretty smile, one would say. His hair is a little too long… one had started, But it looks so soft! Another girl interrupted. 

All of those girls felt like they knew her well. As if they knew if she honestly liked him or not. But no one, not even God knew Elaini as well as Aiden did. He studied and observed her every hobby, everything she liked and didn’t like. He knew which day she got her hair trimmed and nails done. He even knew her whole class schedule and how well she did in each subject. 

Maybe today he could actually ask her out, tell Elaini how he has felt for all these years. It would be the perfect moment, take her to his house, make her a meal, turn on a show or movie, and ask her out. It was such a perfect opportunity for Aiden. Everything he’d hoped and prayed for was just being handed to him. 

Lunch finally came and Elaini was leaning on the front of Aiden’s truck before he even got there, “Hey Aiden,” she looked up at him, “how was class?”

“Good.” he said, staring at her new phone case. It was sarcoline, her favorite color. It was almost closer to pink than most of her other sarcoline themed items. “How was english?” he asked, finally meeting Elaini’s gaze.

“I was too excited,” she shrugged. “I didn’t go.”

“Excited?” Aiden tilted his head.

“I have something exciting to ask you,” she giggled a little bit, “but I wanted to wait until after lunch.”

“After we eat or when we come back to the school to drop you back off?”

“I have a home release next period,” she smiled, “I always stay extra long for lunch.”

“Really?” He laughed, even though he already knew. He had scheduled his home release just to match up with hers.

“Yeah, why?”

“I got a home release after lunch for the exact same reason.” They laughed at how ‘similar’ their thoughts were. “What did you need to ask me again?” He asked looking back into her eyes. 

“I’ll ask you when we eat.”

He shrugged he wasn’t going to pry. Elaini wasn’t going to tell him no matter how much he asked. He got in the truck, opening her side for her first, and drove to his house. He helped her out of the truck and led her into his house. He made chicken alfredo, her favorite food, and dished it up for the two of them.

“What did you want to tell me, Elaini?” he stared into her dark brown eyes, lightly covered by her thin bangs.

“I don’t know… I’m kinda nervous now, honestly,” she shifted her legs on his couch.

“Well, I have something to ask you then.”


“Do you think it’d be okay if we were officially boyfriend and girlfriend?”

Elaini’s eyes widened with excitement,”Really?” she practically screamed. “Of course! I mean I’d love to.”

Aiden grinned “Alright then, this could be like our first date.” He turned on The Notebook, one of her favorite movies, and they enjoyed their first official date together. 

He spent almost every hour of every day thinking about Elaini. Some would say he was obsessed before, but since they started dating it’s gotten so much worse. He started showing up late and even ditching classes to watch where she would go during her home release periods or when she asked the teacher to go to the bathroom, he watched to see if she really went to the bathroom. She became predictable to him and she had no idea any of this was happening. She stayed completely unconcerned about her boyfriend’s obsession with her. He kept himself calm and put-together around her. He didn’t care if anyone found out about his habits, as long as she didn’t know, it didn’t matter.

Except it did matter. Elaini’s friends noticed how strange Aiden was always acting. They always tried their best to keep them apart. They’d introduce her to new boys, but that would just irritate Aiden. Now, he had to constantly worry about Elaini leaving him. He watched every guy she talked to, each of them practically begging to be with her. He watched her flirt with every one of them. In reality, she was turning them all down but Aiden had no way of knowing that. All he could see was her smiling as she talked to another guy, occasionally playing with a strand of hair while she laughed at something they’d say. He’d never talk to another girl, why should she get to talk to other guys?

“Elaini!” Aiden called for her after school. “Elaini, wait up!” He ran after Her. 

Elaini turned after hearing her calling him,“Yeah?”

“Are you mad at me?” he said, slightly out of breath. “Why have you been ignoring me?”

“I wasn’t ignoring you, Aiden. I didn’t even hear you calling until just a second ago.” She looked up at him, “What makes you think I’m mad at you?”

Aiden frowned, “You have just been avoiding me more than usual.” He shrugged. “Nevermind, it’s probably nothing.”

“Okay?” She gave him a weird look and then smiled, “You’re so random,” she laughed.

Aiden glanced back at the school  before getting into his truck with Elaini and driving to her house. He saw all of her friends staring him down, watching every move he made. They watched his eyes dart from them to the road in front of him and back to them over and over until he couldn’t because they were too far from him. They knew something was wrong with Aiden’s feelings toward Elaini. He knew that they knew something wasn’t right. 

As their relationship grew, Elaini seemed to drift farther away from Aiden than she had before they were together. They had been official for almost six months, a long time compared to their peers’ relationships. Aiden felt like Elaini was done with him, he felt that she grew bored of their basic dates, was it not enough? He knew there wasn’t anything thrilling they could do because of her deathly fear of heights and the fact that she hated anything that involved her getting near water. He knew this from her previous relationships that he’d watched her go through. Maybe she’s at least like to be offered something like that. 

He looked over his shoulder to see her, “Elaini?”

“Yes?” She replied looking up at him as he spoke.

“I know you don’t like being near water, but would you like to go on a cruise with me?”

“A cruise?” She raised her eyebrows. “Why so suddenly? Do you have one in mind?”

“Only if you would actually want to come with me and you’re willing to put up with my parents for a week,” he shrugged, “it’s really up to you.” He stared at her while she thought about everything. He didn’t know whether she’d actually join him or she was just pretending  to consider it to be nice. 

She furrowed her brows in concern, “Can’t you take another one of your friends? Or a different girl?”

“Why would I take someone that isn’t you?” Aiden shook his head. “I’d only take you,” he paused, “only you.”

“You can take someone who isn’t me. I won’t get upset.”

“Why would I do that?”

“So you can still have fun with someone else, even if it isn’t me.”

Aiden’s thoughts started scrambling. Why didn’t she care if he went on a seven-day cruise with a different girl? Why would she even suggest taking a girl? Friends were understandable, but she recommended taking a different girl. A girl that wasn’t her. If Elaini went on a week of vacation with another guy, he’d probably have to physically restrict himself from killing the guy. “I can just stay here with you,” he proposed.

She gave him a disgusted look, “Why would you miss out on a week of vacation? It’d be such a waste.”

“I’d rather stay here with you,” he looked at her with a confused look in his eyes, “because I love you.”

“I love you too, but-”

“But?” Aiden was shocked, why was she being like this? All he did was offer a vacation with him. She could have just turned him down, not recommend he bring another girl.

“No,” she shook her head, “I didn’t mean it like that.” She paused, looking down, “I just think you need to actually hang out with people. Whether they’re boys or girls, I don’t care. I just feel like you’ve centered your life around me.”

Aiden stared at Elaini with a blank face. Of course he’d centered his life around her. That’s what love is. It’s what love meant to him. She always needed to be his first priority, no matter what. What couldn’t she understand about that? “I’ll just stay,” he shook his head, “my parents really wouldn’t mind me staying here.”

“I think it’d be great if you stayed here with me, too. But it’d also be cool if you went with some other friends.”

“Are you just trying to get rid of me for a week?” Aiden glared at her, “You are, aren’t you? You just want me gone for that week so you can talk to all those other guys.”

“What ‘other guys’ are you even talking about, Aiden?”

“Nevermind, it’s fine.” He looked down at her sarcoline shoes, “I’m sorry for being so dramatic, I just-”

“Aiden, it’s okay,” she hugged him tightly, “I love you.”

“I love you too, Elaini.” Aiden squoze Elaini, tightly, as if it would be the last time they hugged. 

Aiden genuinely meant it, but now he didn’t know if she really did or not. She could’ve completely lost interest in him already and Aiden would have no idea. He felt like he knew her but now he started to doubt his knowledge of her.

Although Aiden was worried about whether Elaini truly loved him or not, they lasted until their graduation. He was partially right though, Elaini swore to herself she would end it with him if he didn’t talk to anyone but her at the ceremony.

“Oh would you please shut up Aiden!” Katy, Elaini’s best friend, was yelling at him. “You can stand to be without her for at least five whole minutes!”

“I was just looking for her, I haven’t even talked to her at all today.” Aiden snapped back at her.

“It really doesn’t matter, get control of yourself, you’re obsessed, Aiden!”

“It’s not an obsession!” Aiden looked frantic, almost like he was ready to charge at Katy.

Elaini ran to them before anything bad could happen. “What is wrong with you two?”

“You need to end things with him.” Katy stared Elaini dead in the eyes, “Break up with him or I swear I’ll never talk to you, ever again.” 

Aiden started sweating, Elaini would pick her over him. This wasn't right. He would never make Elaini pick between himself and her own best friend. It wasn’t fair.  He started panicking, please, he thought, please, don’t choose her. I’ve given you everything I can. I love you too much for you to leave me. Please, please don’t leave me.

Elaini had never realized how much she really cared for and loved Aiden, not until hearing those words come out of Katy’s mouth. “How dare you!” Elaini shouted. “How could you possibly make me choose one or the other like that?” Her lip started to quiver, like she was going to cry, but she kept yelling at Katy. “A real friend, someone who really cares about you, wouldn’t make you pick and choose like that! Maybe it is better for us to stop talking.”

Katy stared at her in shock, “You’re kidding, right? You have to be joking right now. I mean, you can’t just stay with this…this creep!”

“He’s not a creep!”

They kept arguing but Aiden was in his own head. She wasn’t leaving him? Did she really love him as much as he loved her? He felt Elaini grab his arm and drag him away from Katy. This is it,  he thought. He felt a rush of relief flow through him,  I’m spending the rest of my life with this girl. The thought thrilled him.




The author's comments:

This is just my interpretation of Steve Lacy's song, Dark Red  

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