The Candlestick | Teen Ink

The Candlestick

November 6, 2020
By Fbeeck SILVER, Earling, Iowa
Fbeeck SILVER, Earling, Iowa
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
¨We´ve all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are.¨ -Sirius Black

The loud noises surrounded Nat as she sat in the New York taxi on her way to work. The loud honking and murmurs of the street dulled as she was swallowed into her thoughts. Lately, Nat has been plagued by her thoughts being bombarded by the idea of her other half, her soulmate. 

According to Greek mythology, people were born with two heads, two arms, four legs, and a symbol on their chest showing unity. Over time, Zeus became jealous of the unity and split the people in half. Because of Zeus’s jealousy, people spend their lives searching for their other half. Over time, the location and types of symbols have changed. The symbols evolved and started to show on other parts of their bodies and are not your regular shapes like a circle or triangle. Today, soulmates either have matching tattoos or have tattoos that complete the other. Nat’s tattoo, which was on her right wrist, was a simple candlestick that was black and white. 

Pulling her from her thoughts, the cranky driver grumbled that they were at her desired location with an edge of get-out-of-my-car etched into his voice. Nat paid the man and swiftly exited out of the vehicle. Standing in front of Nat was a modern-looking building with a revolving door. This was Roger’s law firm, where Nat had been working as a secretary for four wonderful years. She loved making schedules, fixing appointment changes, and mixing endless coffees for the two most successful lawyers in New York, Carter Rogers, and John Howard. When she first started she was intimidated by the close family setting and the modern layout, but she soon saw it as home and the people there as a family. Well, almost everyone. James Spencer was both Roger’s and Howard’s social branch manager and was the most intolerable person on the planet. Nat tried to be polite to him, but he acted as though she was the plague. Everything she touched he wouldn’t and every room she entered, he would leave. They had a mutual relationship of avoiding the other and being wherever the hell the other wasn’t. 

As Nat got to her desk, she started going through her day’s tasks. She had to make everyone’s daily dose of caffeine, greet and escort potential business partners, paperwork, more paperwork, and you guessed it, paperwork. Not looking forward to the documents she had to re-write, she started on everyone’s coffee. She needs a peppermint white mocha for Rogers, black for Howard, coffee with two sugars for Wanda, and... “Can you make me a black coffee and bring it to my office, Nat?” James grumbled, scaring Nat, who jumped straight out of her skin. “Do you want anything special in it?” Nat responded, trying to sound surprised that he was talking to her. “If you could make it in this mug, that would be great.” As James handed over the navy blue mug, the sleeves of his dress shirt pulled up. And as they pulled up, Nat noticed the familiar black and white candlestick poking out at her.

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