The Girl and The Boy | Teen Ink

The Girl and The Boy

March 4, 2020
By Anonymous

The girl


   There was a girl who loves this boy named Josh.He had short brown curls.Blue eyes and a lovely smile.He was always on her mind.But the problem was that he did not even now she existed.Ever day she would see him in the halls and in history class.She told her friends about him.They got really excited but she was not.She did not what to get her hopes up like he will just ask her out.So she didn't. Until one day...she got home from school and looked on snapchat he added her as a friend.She had a soft grin. Then he texted her.By now she was freaking out.She does not what to open it.He texted her for a second time.And no boy double textes a girl only they like them.So she opened the text.”Hey  you are in my history right? “ She replied back saying “Hey and yes in in your history class .``After like 5 minutes he responds and says “oh cool so wyd” “nothin just doing homework hbu” She say back.So after that They just small talked.She posted a picture of me and my story of herself.He swipes up and says your so pretty.I freaked out.And said thanks u to.Like who says that?The next day he sat next to her in history.She was so happy.So for the past 2 weeks we were just friends but we flertied here and there.But one day she came to school and he was standing at the end of the hall With a poster that said.



The boy

There was a boy that was madly in love with a girl named Braylee.she had long blonde hair.Blue eyes that could light up the sky.She had these glasses that made her look nerdy.ut he does not know how to talk to her.He always would look at her but she would never look back.He did not know what to do so he asked some friends of hers what her snap chat name was.So he added her and then she added him back he was so nervoues.So he just texted her.But then she did not open it for a little bit.So then he texted her for a second time.He was so in love with her, he did not even care.He whated to tell her how he felt but he couldent.So he went to her little sister to ask what kind of stuff she liked.SHe told him that she loved romance but it cant be to much.So 3 weeks before prom he made a sine that said “I know we’re just friends but can this one be the one where we go to prom?”. So the next day he asked to go to prom and She said yes.

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