Girlfriend boys are bad | Teen Ink

Girlfriend boys are bad

February 26, 2020
By wisdomkhan BRONZE, Lucknow, Other
wisdomkhan BRONZE, Lucknow, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You never fail. You always learn.

It was one of the days when I was under the impression that boys having girlfriends are not good. The typical Indian mentality had its home in my mind. Then there was one such day when I saw this girl, the girl who spread magic in my life like the baker spreads cream on bread.
'Oh! She's got attitude...mmm...huh...what if she's good-looking, she would have to follow what the head boy says. She could not escape from her responsibilities, not under my watch, not until I am the head boy.'
Yeah! This was my first impression of the girl whom I later discovered was not just a simple good-looking another female who'd have to do nothing much in my life but in fact she was the special girl who got pink everytime she smiled, she was beautiful, comely and sober in her own unique manner, the manner which was secretly loved by this young head boy of junior wing. 'Asim likes you...yeah, he really does.'
It was after my handsome friend Dhruv Nanda exclaimed the above line to 'the girl' when I finally realised how I have been making simple cute excuses to meet her and talk to her. Although most of the times it was related to the school office bearers duty as she was the vice head girl and always brought us into a childish quarrel but also whenever any teacher wanted something from her class, I luckily being the embodiment of a suitable boy was chosen for the job. It was after this when I realised that everytime I saw her, my heartbeats used to rise and fall
taumaultuously like the beats of a rock song and the happiness my heart felt came bumping up on my face like the splashes of sea breezes at dawn.
I remember this evening. We were on official duty during school hours before the annual function which would begin by 5 o'clock in the evening.
'Dhroov told me that you like me...' '....'
'Amm....' and the only thing I could do in response was a small nod full of blush and unfelt unknown giddiness.
'And you?' I almost snapped!
Ah! The excitement of a young boy's young love story.
And what came next was something I could never forget in my life. It was something from where it all started, the beginning of a completely different aspect of my life. A brand new experience.
She was no novice in copying my nod. But hers was a bigger and lasting than mine (maybe it seems practically more lasting to me for I have played it over an infinite number of times in my mind). I could not see her face as she was turned away and also I was enough flushed to see it then.

And like any other movie heroes I yelled a great yeah and jumped in air and landed like nothing less than Spiderman.
I'd infact say that being in the relationship was like a new life to me. Like I was reborn, recast and this time not for anything else but to just feel her love and give love to her as much as I could.

The author's comments:

This is a love article which may/may not wait for a sequel. It is meant to just let the readers enjoy and feel the characters. It is a small description of the very beginning of a grand love story. Since short and complete in itself, it is perfect for 1 time read if you don't want to invest much of your time and still feel gorgeous after reading something.

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