Dreaming Colorblind | Teen Ink

Dreaming Colorblind

December 19, 2018
By zoe_black__ BRONZE, West Linn, Oregon
zoe_black__ BRONZE, West Linn, Oregon
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The gray around me turns to black. I start to drift off into the thoughtless realm that is sleep. Usually I dream random things that have to do with my day. Not this time. I come into a field to see the shapes of flowers. Knowing they’re not the colorful version most people see. Suddenly hands cover my eyes.

“Guess who.” says a playful yet masculine voice. Many people come to mind but none sound like this. “I’m not sure.” As I go through the list of people it could be. He takes his hands off my eyes.

Opening them to see full color in the around me. Take it in, bright and beautiful, not believing what I’m seeing. After all these years of black and white, all the times people would talk about color and not understanding now I do. All the flowers around me in full personality. It's not a shaded shape, it’s red, yellow, blue, the grass is a deep beautiful green. This is all I imagined color would be, but better, it’s real.

Turning looking for the voice. There’s no one there? Though looking to see the rainbow I’ve always dreamed of. It's vivid colors going across the horizon. Listening to a stream somewhere off in the distance. Look at all of the radiant colors around me.

I hear a voice again, “come on!” Not knowing where its coming from. I look around, no one. All the sudden the manly voice is interrupted by a beeping.

The color turns back to gray, black. My eyes open to see the colorless walls of my room. My alarm keeps beeping. I sit forward and hit the snooze. What had happened? How did I dream the colors I’ve never seen before?

“Good morning sweety!” My mom practically shouts bursting into my room.

“Hey mom.” I groan. She walks over to the window and throws open my blinds.

“It’s a beautiful day.” She says pulling the covers off the bed. I sit there not noticing because I am still thinking about the dream.

Throughout the day trying to remember what the colors looked like. I didn't understand how it all happened. When trying to go back to sleep I couldn’t. But when I did, there was no dream. Break was over, time to head back to campus, not knowing what to do or how to feel about what happened. Driving down a long country road, I saw a fox running along the road. Not knowing what to do, but it seemed like a sign. I pulled over and got out of the car, the fox was standing a few feet in front of me. It looked towards me and started running again. Knowing I shouldn't follow it, I couldn't help but think it was something more than a lost animal on the side of the road.

I followed as it turned into a dark forest, still running. I lost the fox right as we got to the other side of the woods.  Running into a field, I see the shapes of flowers. It was familiar, similar to the field I had seen in my dreams. Wondering to the middle of the field, I heard a rustling in the grass around me. The voice I heard in my dreams appeared behind me. The same deep masculine voice. The feeling of someone close behind me, I started to turn around when someone covered my eyes. I felt the warmth of their body behind me, the sensation of their hands on my face felt magical.

"Guess who." They laughed. Knowing this was from my dream, I couldn’t believe this reality would end with color. They took their hands off my eyes, almost too afraid to see what would happen when I open them. After gathering courage, I opened my eyes. My aspiration faded when seeing everything was how I left it. Turning around, a tall handsome man was standing behind me. The field may not have been in color, but he was. I saw the way his blue shirt complemented his fair skin. He looked to be my age but he was the most captivating guy I had ever seen. His dark brown hair fell perfectly over his forehead. I looked into his deep brown eyes and he looked into mine.

"Your eyes are a beautiful blue." He smiles, with pure white teeth surrounded by vibrant pink lips.

"Who are you?" I exclaimed.

"That doesn't matter yet." He looked at me longingly. Grabbing my face with both hands, he pulled me towards him. Leaning over to have his lips meet mine. He kissed me, and I kissed him back. Not knowing who he was, but knowing the magic I felt when he touched me. We both started to pull away and slowly opening my eyes to see the whole world in color. I looked around taking in the full beauty of the atmosphere around us. Thinking this was another dream but as I begun talking to him slowly realizing it was real. I went on with my life, seeing the world how everyone else sees it. It wasn't a dream this time.

The author's comments:

This is part of a novel I wrote called Colorblind. I wrote this during NaNoWriMo for my creative writing class. This along with the rest of the stories in the novel are about a girl who is totally colorblind and it is a compilation of stories of how she gets to see color. 

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