The Night to Remember | Teen Ink

The Night to Remember

October 28, 2018
By robbjade BRONZE, Denver, Colorado
robbjade BRONZE, Denver, Colorado
4 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
" There are always hard times, but you can always recover even in your worst moments."

It was two days before homecoming when Megan Conway, an honor student at Arrowsmith High, thought to herself, “ I am not going to have a chance getting Tyler to notice me this year.” Her two best friends, Skylar Mendoza and Kandie Tucker, came up and recognized her facial expression, both of the girls had known Megan since first grade and knew when something was wrong.

Skylar said, ” Megan, both of us know that face, and yes you will have a chance this year, I promise you.”

Kandie added on,” Yeah... As well as I heard something from Sydney, who got it from Katie, who got it from Julie, who got it from Aspen, who got it from Ace Walker, aka one of the hottest boys who is best friends with Tyler. Sydney told me quickly that Tyler and his “girlfriend” broke up before school started. Isn’t that great!”

Megan walked away slowly with a smile on the inside and went to math class.

Kandie asked Skylar, “ what did I say wrong? I mean I would think that Megan would’ve been happy about that.”

Skylar replied,” Kandie I think you may have spilled a little too much information for one passing period. Come on let's go, gossip talker.”

Skylar and Kandie walked down the hall and got to class just in time. When they got to math class, they found Megan sitting all the way in the back.

Skylar asked Kandie,” why is Megan all the way in the back?”

Kandie replied with a rude tone,” who knows, why should we care?”

Skylar just ignored that remark and went to go sit down in the front. A few minutes later Skylar felt a tap on the shoulder; it was Tyler, a.k.a one of the “popular kids” who plays football.

Tyler asked Skylar in a whisper,” do you know if anyone is taking Megan to homecoming?”

With an attitude, Skylar replied,” um… you do realize that I am her best friend, right? What do you care, didn’t you break up with your girlfriend?”

Tyler was shocked by the answer and told Skylar he wanted everything he told her to be a secret. While the two were talking, Megan looked up and saw them.

Megan thought to herself, ”I hope there is no chemistry going on between them. Skylar knows I like him.”

As Megan thought about them, the bell rang, and the next period was French. The last period of the day and Megan knew that Kandie and Skylar would be there, this was her time to talk to them about Tyler and his friends. French class began, and the girls sat together like any typical day. Megan and Kandie kept talking about what they wanted to do for homecoming and who was going to get asked. On the other hand, Skylar could not just sit there and not say anything about what Tyler said. However, she had to keep his word and not to tell Megan until homecoming day.

Everything was going perfectly the next day at school when Megan felt a hand on her shoulder. It was Ace Walker and Jake Anderson, both of Tyler’s close buds; Ace asked Megan to meet them to the football field. Megan agreed and told them she would be there at 3:00 pm; the boys said it was perfect timing. Megan walked away towards her first-period class, which was English. Ace and Jake walked the opposite way to go to their elective class. While they walked down the hall, Jack started to talk about whom they would ask to the dance.

Jake asked Ace,” what do you think about asking Skylar and I will ask Kandie?” Ace replied in agreement, “sounds like a plan, we can ask Tyler to get them to go to the football field with Megan!”

Jake was so excited that when they saw Tyler in the hallway, Jake screamed and yelled, “ Yo, Tyler!!” Tyler turned around with a shocked face.

He replied to Jake in a whisper, “ hey what's wrong and what  the heck you are up too?” Ace was laughing in the back while Jake had to get his breath. Ace told Tyler all about their idea of asking the girls. Tyler agreed right away and started to work on the homecoming proposal in class.

Meanwhile, Megan was checking in with Skylar and Kandie about the rumors going around and telling Skylar and Kandie about what Ace and Jake said. Just as Megan started to tell them about what the two boys said, Tyler came up and asked to speak with Kandie and Skylar alone.

When the two girls came back, Skylar went back to the subject and told Megan. “ O.M.G… gets it, girl, you got to go down there and see what Ace and Jake want from you. I mean if you do not I will find a way to go myself.”  

Kandie interrupted the conversations and motioned towards the clock. It was almost time, and Skylar and Kandie decided to go with Megan for “moral support”; just in case Megan decided to freeze up in front of them.

It was 2:30 and the girls were all getting ready to go down to the football field. Skylar and Kandie did not realize what was waiting ahead for them. The two girls only knew that Megan was going to see what Ace and Jake wanted from her, as well as to see what Tyler wanted from them. Megan, Skylar, and Kandie walked down the trail and found that roses were leading to the field.

Megan whispered,” I feel like I know what they wanted to tell me… “ Megan got cut off by Skylar,  who started to shake her in excitement.

The three girls decided to continue down the trail, and when they got to the bottom, the field was empty. Megan went to the middle, not realizing that her friends were not following behind. Megan asked Kandie what time it was, but there was no reply. Megan turned around to find herself in front of the boy she has liked for over a century.

She was shocked, Megan yelled to Skylar, “ did you know about this? How could you hide this big of a secret to me?”

However, Megan was too happy even to get any more angry at her best friend. Tyler reached behind him to get a poster which read “ Megan, I would not be an M&M without you, will you come to Hoco with me?” Megan was shocked but cringed at the M&M part; however, she did not care one bit.

Megan told Tyler, “ Yes, I would love to be your M&M at the Hoco!”

As she said that sentence, she was confused and weirded out on what she just said, but kept smiling at Tyler. Nothing filled Megan's heart more than being with the person who felt the same way. As Megan and Tyler headed back to the school, Ace pop out of the bush to ask Skylar to the homecoming, Skylar was in utter shock and just nodded her head yes. While Skylar could not move, Kandie got asked by Jake who made her go crazy. Skylar and Kandie were both in shock and just became speechless. All of them got back into there regular friend groups and told each other that they would meet at Megan's house that night. All of them went there sperate ways except the girls got back together in less than halfway up the trail to talk about what they would be wearing to homecoming.

It was time, the girls had their dresses on, and the boys would be arriving soon. Megan had a lovely little mint green dress, with a heart-shaped top that it is lined with rhinestones. Skylar had on a cute sleeveless, beaded scooped-neck dress, with little ripples at the end. Kandie had on a two-piece, the top was white with rhinestones all over, and the bottom was a beautiful white that blended into a blush color at the bottom. Megan, Skylar, and Kandie walked downstairs in their great dress and found their mothers crying in excitement for their babies that are all grown up. The boys arrived in their nice tuxedos and shined shoes. The mothers did not let the couples leave without a group picture of their first homecoming. The three girls were so excited to go to homecoming with their boyfriends. The boys had a few more surprises up their sleeves; Tyler, Ace, and Jake had arranged a horse carriage to take them to the homecoming. Megan, Skylar, and Kandie were speechless and were so happy that the right person asked them to, homecoming. When the group got to the homecoming, they were just in time for the slow dance. Tyler, Ace, and Jack had their last surprise for the girls, and after the slow dance the three boys pulled out rings and kneeled to the floor.

Tyler asked Megan, “ Will you be my girlfriend and wear this promise ring?”

Megan told Tyler,” of course. I would like that.”

Ace went to Skylar and kneeled down and asked her, “ will you be mine?” Skylar told Ace, “ get up you look silly and of course.”

Sklar then kissed him on the cheek, but Ace knew what she was doing and turned his face and Skylar kissed him on the lips.

Jack kneeled to Kandie and asked, however before he could ask Kandie told Jack, ”I would love to be your girlfriend.” Jack was very excited that Kandie said “yes” to him.

The night was getting close to being over, and Megan, Skylar, and Kandie were all getting tired. Tyler, Ace, and Jack decided to take them home and told Megan, Skylar, and Kandie the would talk to them the next day. From then on Megan, Skylar, and Kandie were girlfriends of Tyler, Ace, and Jake. Until something happens in the future between the three lovely couples.

The author's comments:

I wrote this story because when my friends went to homecoming. I always think of an amazing ending and an amazing couple.

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