Realistic fiction stories written by teens | Teen Ink

Realistic Fiction

Most recently submitted Realistic Fiction

By Babylufin GOLD
Liberal, Missouri

Ch. 1 “Hello?” She answered the phone, on the third ring; a habit of hers. “Hi.” I said, casually. I knew she already knew it was me. “Hi,” she said back, a little sweet...
Babylufin GOLD, Liberal, Missouri
13 articles 2 photos 229 comments

Favorite Quote:
"'For I know the plans I have for you', declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.'" Jeremiah 29:11. Thank you Lord, for this future you've given me.

By KellyR GOLD
Richmond, Virginia
KellyR GOLD, Richmond, Virginia
14 articles 0 photos 258 comments

Favorite Quote:
We don't read and write poetry because it's cute. We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race. And the human race is filled with passion. And medicine, law, business, engineering, these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for.

By Anonymous
trippindicular BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments
By melouize BRONZE
Ann Arbor, Michigan
melouize BRONZE, Ann Arbor, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments
By Anonymous
cookies00 BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments
By Anonymous
AriiLynn SILVER, Louisville, Kentucky
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
A friendship can weather most things and thrive in thin soil; but it needs a little mulch of letters and phone calls and small, silly presents every so often - just to save it from drying out completely. <br /> Pam Brown

By Anonymous