Lightning Roddick | Teen Ink

Lightning Roddick

June 7, 2018
By Brown155 BRONZE, Gresham, Oregon
Brown155 BRONZE, Gresham, Oregon
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Lightning Roddick was preparing for the final match of his long and wild career. He was one win away from the all time record of most wins by a male tennis player. It would be an incredable feat and achivement, he was at the end of his rope career wise and his body couldn't take much more of the intense play. 

 He walked out on to the court, as the fans chanted his nickname "Lightning, Lighting!" The score was tied, the last hit by Roddick was a lighting serve that ended his career with a bang! He was streamed by the fans as he broke the record. The feeling of glory was amazing and would forever be remebered as a legend to the Tennis world and fans everywhere!

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