Once in a Lifetime | Teen Ink

Once in a Lifetime

May 15, 2018
By Anonymous

Wilhelm rolled over to the other side on the bed on a typical Wednesday morning. The alarm clock blaring, he slammed the snooze button for those extra precious minutes of sleep. Soon, he sits up to meet the bright sun’s gaze. He squinted and felt around the night table to find his glasses. Putting them on, he got up to perform his usual morning routine. Now dressed and ready for the day, he wandered into the solitary kitchen. Wilhelm’s gloomy face sagged on his cheekbones with age. Retirement was something that had begun to bore the old man, and he reminisced about the good old days. A quick inspection of the fridge produced that it was time to get some fundamental groceries. Walking outside to his car, he ignited the engine of his old Buick from 1984. With the rattling roar of the vehicle, he continued to his local market. Arriving at his destination, the old man parked in the handicapped spot he always parks in, and walked inside. A swift gathering of his things resulted in him being at the register in less than 5 minutes. Wilhelm glanced at the sign that hung overhead, the one that portrayed the Illinois lottery. Following the purchase of his groceries, he approached the counter for the lottery, and requested one ticket for Powerball. Age has taken its toll on the poor old man, and by now, he was already exhausted. A little short of breath, he hobbled back to his Buick, and returned home. Placing the keys on the hook, and his jacket on the armchair, he unpacked the groceries, and placed the lottery ticket on the kitchen counter. Now feeling very weak, he flopped down into his armchair, and turned on the television. Before long, the old man fell asleep. However, this slumber would prove to be an eternal one. As the heart of Wilhelm beat for the last time, the announcer of the television read tonight's winning numbers. But these numbers have already been seen by one set of eyes today, and those numbers lay on the kitchen counter, unmoved, and untouched by anyone.

The author's comments:

If you don’t play the lottery, you won’t win. 

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