The Black Handbag | Teen Ink

The Black Handbag

October 28, 2016
By JoeOstrowski BRONZE, Lafayette, Colorado
JoeOstrowski BRONZE, Lafayette, Colorado
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Tommy Carter lived Westchester for 14 years, with the same neighbor for 10 years. That neighbor was Eddie King. Not many people in the town liked Eddie at all, Tommy was one of those people. For 10 years Eddie would constantly steal the morning newspaper from Tommy’s lawn, try and steal Halloween decorations out of Tommy’s lawn. Whenever Eddie would get caught he would say it’s because he didn’t have money for any of that stuff and got jealous and wanted it for himself. That couldn’t be anymore of a lie and Tommy knew that, because they both worked at the same Insurance company where they both were insurance consultants. Although that job didn’t pay the most it still had a modest pay that could be enough for the necessities of a middle aged man living by himself, and a little extra on the side. It was no secret he was the biggest cheapskate in the city and that is the main reason for many people’s dislike of him.


This was the first time in 4 years that Tommy had seen Eddie and he didn’t miss Eddie one bit. He tried to ignore the fact that he was in the same area as Eddie even though they both made their way into the convenience store side of the gas station. Tommy just needed something to drink because of his long day. One could only assume that Eddie was in there to steal something or many things. Eddie didn’t notice Tommy watching him from the other side of the store as he stuffed his pockets of his baggy cargo pants with granola bars and anything else that would fit without making him look too suspicious. It was around 9:30 at night so the gas station wasn’t too busy other than a few cars out at the gas pumps, but other than that the convenience store was empty besides Tommy Eddy and the clerk who happened to be in the back working on something. As Eddie walked out back to his car Tommy bought his drink and made his way to his car. Tommy counted about $30 worth of snacks were taken from the convenience store. As he watched Eddie walk to his car he noticed that he wasn’t walking towards his car he walking towards an expensive looking car that had been left unattended by a woman who had walked into the convenience store. Tommy already could predict what Eddie was thinking since the windows were left open and it looked like there were things on the inside. Tommy wasn’t gonna let that happen.


Tommy walked to his car and dropped off his drink, took out the gas pump, closed his gas cap, locked his car then weant to go confront Eddie. But as Tommy walked out past the gas pump to look for Eddie, there was no sight of him. “There’s no way he could’ve already taken things from the car left”. Tommy thought to himself. But as he took a look at the expensive car it had been obvious that Eddie was faster than Tommy thought. Tommy ran over to the gas pump where Eddie was and Eddie was in the middle of finishing up pumping his gas. Eddie welcomed Tommy like an old friend. Tommy wasn’t having it, he grabbed Eddie’s collar and pushed him up against his car. “Eddie King you may be the biggest cheapskate in Westchester, and the biggest thief too, but I’m done I cannot take watching you take so much money from stores and from people! I saw you take the stuff from that lady's car.” Right after Tommy finished talking Eddie pushed Tommy off of him and lunged at him while saying “You didn’t see anything and you’re gonna keep you’re mouth shut!” As Tommy and Eddie got into a tussle in front of the gas station the other bystanders including the lady (who hadn’t noticed her car had been robbed) came in to break the two up as the clerk called the police. The clerk told the men that the police were on their way. Tommy smirked and got space from Eddie. The lady also noticed everything that had been taken from her car and Tommy told her that he was ninety nine percent sure that Eddie had taken it all and that’s why he confronted him.


The police arrived short after and got the stories from both sides and interviewed the bystanders. The overarching theme they got from interviewing everyone was that Eddie was a thief and they thought he had stolen things from the gas station. After hearing all this, this was all they had to hear, so they searched Eddie and found nothing in his pockets, then they proceeded to search Eddie’s car. In there they found hundreds of dollars of stolen merchandise along with a black handbag. This handbag did happen to be the lady’s. It turns out the bag was a very rare bag that alone was worth thousands of dollars and had credits cards cash and debit cards inside of it. After finding all this Eddie was arrested. It turns out the police had been looking for Eddie for a long time because many security cameras had caught him stealing. The estimated total of things he stole from stores ranged into the thousands of dollars. Since he tried stealing such a high priority bag he received worse charges than what he would’ve originally received. Eddie King was going to jail for a very long time and would lose his job. Ever since he got out, Eddie had moved states and somewhat cleaned up his act, and continues to think everyday, “I shouldn’t have stole, I shouldn’t have ruined my life because I was a cheapskate, and definitely shouldn’t have stole that black handbag.”

The author's comments:

Why it is bad to steal. 

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