New Car | Teen Ink

New Car

May 13, 2016
By T-Potts SILVER, Williamsport, Ohio
T-Potts SILVER, Williamsport, Ohio
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Jared got ready for school like he did every other day. Got dressed, washed up and ate. Except today he hopped into his new car. An old car rather, but new to him. Jared had just gotten his license the day before. He took up all the money he saved up and bought a deep blue 1955 Ford Fairlane, completely restored. His parents decided that he could drive himself to school rather than take the bus.

“Hey, Harry, want to go get something to eat, we have some time to kill,” Jared asked pulling away.

“Sure,” Harry replied.

Jared showed off his new car. Revved the engine and sped a little. They went to school, tried to learn a little. He was excited to drive his car some more. By the end of the day Jared practically ran for the door. He went to his car, tossed his books into the front seat, and drove off. He sped from the parking lot almost flooring the gas.

Whoop whoop was the next sound he heard. The sound he dreaded to hear. Jared pulled over grabbed his license and registration.

“Do you know how fast you were going?” asked the policeman.

“Too fast?” Jared asked


The officer gave him a ticket for going 50 mph in a school zone.

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