Falling | Teen Ink


April 11, 2016
By ryan.krahn BRONZE, Salem, New Hampshire
ryan.krahn BRONZE, Salem, New Hampshire
3 articles 0 photos 3 comments

The worst thing about being in love is having to give it up.  When in love, you let yourself go. You let yourself go with the other person, you let them have your trust, your secrets, your emotions, everything.  They have it all and you trust that theyll keep it, and that theyll return the love.


And when they do, when they give you their trust, love and emotions its the best thing in the world. 

Getting that warm feeling when you simply hear thier name spoken, and you smiling without thinking.  Or when you see them, and your whole mood changes and all you want to do is wrap yourself around them.  Or when you hold their hand, and the warmth from their hand spreads across your body and theres nothing that could possibly go wrong becuase your with them, holding thier hand, and you and them are connected.  That, I think, is when you know you love someone.  When anything and everything they could possibly do makes you happy, makes you warm inside.


And then letting it all go.  Having to leave them, or having them leave you, and still loving them.  But the worst is when you both love each other and it doesnt work out.  When all you truely want is to be with each other, but it cant possibly happen.


And you create the freind zone, the zone neither of you want to be in, but have to be in.  The dreaded zone. And its the hardest thing youve ever done, trying to stay in the friend zone, because every once in a while something slips, and you accidently say something that makes all the good feelings rush foward at once.  You feel everything for them all over again, just because they say

"You look great", and they smile at you with their eyes, and you get warm and know youre blushing, but you cant stop and you dont want to stop. 

And you fall for them all over again even though you know that you cant have them. 

Thats the worst,

falling and not being able to reach the ground, you just keep falling and falling and falling and it feels like youll never stop.  Youre rushing through the air, and the winds blowing in your face, and you get an adreniline rush, but you dont care.  Its love, and you love them and they love you, and youre both happy.  And you both keep falling, because you keep hoping and hoping that one day you've been falling for long and far enough to hit the ground, and pick each other up, and walk away together, not as friends, but as more than friends.


But that cant always happen, and wont happen with just anyone, so we spend weeks, months, years falling for all sorts of people, until finally- you hit the ground with someone.  And thats it.  Youve done it, youve made it, youre there.  And youre there with the person you love. And you stand up, after having fallen for what had seemed like forever, and you brush each other off, and walk away, together.  You do everything from that point on together, and all the falling was worth it, because finally landing with the perfect person,

its what makes you realize just how perfect they are, and how perfect you not as individuals, but together.

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