The Ride | Teen Ink

The Ride

March 11, 2016
By Tgrady BRONZE, La Vista, Nebraska
Tgrady BRONZE, La Vista, Nebraska
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Truck loaded up with loud and proud, not daddy sponsored toys. They hopped in and made their way to the famous Genoa Park, the last good place to ride close to Omaha.

“Coolers filled up with snacks and MT. dew and a few waters? We will need them in the trails” Jared said standing by the gas pump at their first stop. “Everyone’s grabbing theirs now so it gets cold by the time they got to Genoa.

“Yeah might as well, we will need them” says Jim as he fills up the old 93 F250. They both grabbed a couple drinks and a cup of coffee to keep them awake and ready for the long trip.

Meeting up with the other truck they check the equipment just to make sure they don’t have to pull over and fix anything.

“Wheels turning in five minutes” Brandon yells as he rushes to the truck. “Thanks for taking me Jim. I really was looking forward to this.


As they arrive to the park, it was quiet.  The convoy was behind Jim as he pulls into the stall. There had to be at least eighteen people there. All unloaded the toys and quickly warmed them up waking up the whole forest.

“Me and Jared are going to ride the river and is going to ride there if its low” Jim yelled over his loud dirt bike. “You know where to find us. They rode to the river like a bad out of hell, racing around, kicking up mud. Arrival to the river Jared decided to rip it through the main dry land. Sand flying everywhere like a storm Jim follows ready to tear it up. Riding for three hours just warming up they decide to line them up to just have some fun 2 stroke vs 4 stroke. Third rev and off they go from the distance all you can see is two dots on the river and a storm of dust following them.

“Watch out for that puddle dude that’s a big ass rut! You can’t run that!” Said Jim as he races next to him. “This won’t feel good in the morning.”

Mud hits and immediately slows Jared’s quad down but not him. Jared fly’s off his quad into a two foot mud puddle. Soaked and full of mud he asks Jim for some help. Jim decides to help. Grabbing Jared’s arm quickly realizes his intentions and pulls back but was too late and was pulled into the mud. Quickly a crowd of people were around them as they sit in the mud wrestling around. Quickly ask everyone else for help pulling them in to. Eventually the whole group was thrown into the mud and all wrestling around. Eventually they all decided they had enough fun and rode back to the trucks.

“This ride was the best ride of my life, not only because the ride it self but mainly because it’s with people that I love” Said Jared. “That’s the whole point of doing this. Yeah you can ride all the time but it’s not fun unless I’m with you guys.”

The author's comments:

This is about my experience

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