Time Before Civilization | Teen Ink

Time Before Civilization

March 3, 2016
By Faesworn BRONZE, Dandridge, Tennessee
Faesworn BRONZE, Dandridge, Tennessee
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Never Let Your Fear Decide Your Fate"

Vix stepped out of the screened in door onto her warm, sunlit, wooden porch. The dusty brown paint was cracked and peeling off in thin strips, but it was her home. The smell of a comforting, peaceful wind lifted her spirits and let it carry her with it. She stood on ther toes, gripping the edge of the split porch rail with her eyes closed. She allowed herself a small smile and she opened her eyes to see the bright green grass dancing playfully in the wind. 

The red mud that caked the side of hills showed the waves of heat, and the hawks high in the sky let loose their cries of freedom. Vix gracefully stepped down the hot stone steps and onto the soft sea of green grass. The feel of the sun on her tan, slight shoulders sent shocks of warmth and pleasure down to her toes. She strode to the center of the grass and faced the sky. Puffed clouds of white floated lazily in the sky as she watched them pass.

The summer winds played with her long dark hair, and caressed the features of her high cheekbones. She breathed in the scent of her homeland, of the Plains. The sweet smell of wildflowers and untamed land. The mountains in the east jut out into the sky as if to touch the heavens themselves, and to the west the endless plains roll before her like the Great Sea. The sound of thundering hoofbeats and running water in the distance filled her with joy. She raced through the soft waves of grass and into the tall dry plain.

Vix came to a woodeen corral, much like that of her porch. Her horse whinnied at her arrival and she leaped nimbly over the gate. Her horse, Blue Bison, walked towards her. She met the horse with a warm greeting of nuzzles and petting. Vix's eyes reflected the same warm brown of Blue Bison, for she was one with the land. She swung atop her companion and urged him out of the corral. He lept over the wooden fence and galloped away into the west where the sun sets. Wind whipping at her hair she swept her arms to her sides and let a cry of joy escape her lips. Blue Bison neighed in turn and galloped faster.

They soon came upon a herd of wild horses and ran alongside them. Traveling back to a time before man, Vix saw the land for what is is. An untamed frontier that can never be taken or conquered, only understood. And she understood.

The author's comments:

I wrote this to try and convey the feeling of the land before it was destroyed by civilization.

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