No Sleep | Teen Ink

No Sleep

December 10, 2015
By juliiia.z GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
juliiia.z GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

     I lay in bed snugged by the blankets that have wrapped around me in an infinite amount of times. I hear the soft breathing of my sisters Elaine and Julia soundly asleep. I hear the slow ticking of the green clock that was stuck on the wall. Peacefully, I fell until another deep sleep as my eye lids slowly drifted closed, and the last vision I saw was darkness. I woke up with Julia nudging me with her foot. 

     "Wake up! Wake up!" she screamed. She ran around the room hyper and full of energy. She flung the curtins to both sides, making me hear the piercing on my face, burning me and melting me within. 

     "Wake up! Wake up!" she called again as she skipped around the room. Of course, I wouldn't want to listen to her so I shut my eyes and blocked out all the unnecessary sounds. I flung my blanket over my head and went back to sleep.

     I woke up again with Elaine jumping on my bed up and down as if there was no one sleeping at the moment. 

     "Elaine, I'm gonna kill you," I screamed as I gave her a frightening glare. She looked at me innocently as if she had done nothing wrong then continued on with her joyful day by giving one last jump, checking me if I'm still watching her, and then hopped off. She stuck her tongue out as she gave me a triumphant expression.

      "Arghhh!" I screamed loudly but was soon muffled by my pillow as my head hit it. I plunged until deep sleep once more. I woke up a hour later with two read, bloodshot eyes. I wonder why? 

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