Parable Chapter 1 Alone | Teen Ink

Parable Chapter 1 Alone

October 11, 2015
By JustinVamps BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
JustinVamps BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Chapter 1: Jimmy was alone

Today was the day, today for my birthday my parents are taking me to the amusement park. Today I got up extra early so I could get ready, last night my mom didn't come in to tuck me in as she usually does so I assume she got to bed early too. I made my way down to the living room to my surprise my parents were awake. I stood trying to comprehend what I just saw but I was way to young at the time. My mom was on the ground with tears running down her face, dad standing over her with his fist clenched, he turns to me and smiles "good morning Jimmy" dad said to me. All I could say was good morning back, whats a five year old going to do? I didn't know any better, all I knew was my mom was sad and dad said good morning to me and then we had breakfast.

"Today is the day champ, you excited?" My dad asked me, in my most excited annoying kid voice I shouted YES! My mom stayed silent, refusing to look at my father and at the time all I could think of is what happened, why is she so sad, I asked mom what was wrong but she stayed silent. Dad stood up and cleared the table and told me to go get my shoes on, I ran up to my room and put on my favorite black sneakers. I rushed down the hall excited to go to the amusement park, just before I hit the last step I heard my parents talking to each other, but this was different. It wasn't the normal talking they used to do, their voices were raised, harsh, angry. Why? they're supposed to love each other. The second I turn the corner they go dead silent, as if they weren't talking about anything at all. "Ready to go Jimmy?" Dad asked, I shook my head yes.

The car ride was silent, no one talked, the only sound was from the car wheels running against the ground. We were almost there, I was happy, jumping in my seat. Dad was focused on driving, mom stared outside the window, I hoped mom and dad were okay, hopefully I didn't make them upset.

We arrived at the park, there were so many rides my little boy heart could want. I walked in the middle of both my mom and my dad holding their hands. I was leading them to all the rides I thought we could all enjoy. By the time we got to the fifth ride my dads phone rang, he stepped away to answer it and a look of concern crossed my mothers eyes. She told me to stay put and wait for them to come back, so I did, I waited for my mom to return with dad so we could get on with our happy day. I wish I could tell you that happened, that mom and dad walked back hand in hand smiling and we went off to ride the roller-coaster. That we spent my birthday happy, like a normal family, but that would be a lie.

I waited for my parents to return for a half an hour, then I got off the bench i was sitting on and headed off in the direction i last saw my mother heading towards. While walking I hear sirens, I pick up my pacing and start to run, I make my way through a group of people. It didn't take me long to realize what they were looking at. I didn't know what to feel, part of me wanted to scream, the other part of me wanted to say nice joke. What everyone was looking at were two bodies dead on the ground, my parents bodies.

"I'm sorry, I don't think I can continue" Jimmy told the psychiatrist.

"So your parents died on your fifth birthday? How did that make you feel?"

"Gee, it made me feel freaking happy, what do you think? I was five, it traumatized me." Jimmy took out his phone and checked the time.

"I know it must have been tough for you growing up, it says here you then moved in with you aunt and uncle. how did that go?"

"It was okay i guess, it wasn't until i was thirteen when things started to get worse."

It was just a random day, nothing special. I could hear my aunt crying in the bathroom, i knocked and asked her what was wrong but she avoided the question. "I'll be out in a second" she told me. I knew something was wrong, people don't just cry for no reason. She left the bathroom and didn't make eye contact with me, she went down the stairs into the kitchen past the living room. I went into the bathroom to do my business then I saw bloody tissue paper on top of the trash can. Then I came to the conclusion that its her time of the month and thought nothing of it.

My uncle and I got to know more of each other over the past years, he's a cool guy, he is the type of uncle who will tell it like it is. We normally play video games together on his days off. We were sitting on the couch playing halo, the only thing Xbox is good for, we were having a fun time. I was happy.
My uncle paused the game and was panting his pockets as if he were looking for something, then he got up. "I think I left my phone in my bedroom, I'll be right back" he said. He left the living room and went up the stairs to the master bedroom.

Then was the only time I ever heard my uncle scream, I sprinted up the stairs and asked him what was wrong. He didn't have to answer, by the time I got to the door I already saw what he screamed at, I almost let out a shriek myself. My aunt was laying in bed, with her wrists slit and an empty bottle of painkillers by her bed. That's not the worst part, the worst part is what was on her phone.

"What was on her phone?" the psychiatrist asked, jotting down every little detail into his little notebook.

"The phones messages were open, that's not what was bad, what was bad was who they were from. My aunt was having an affair with my dad when was he was alive. I guess mom must have found out, no wonder they were arguing a lot."

"And how does that make you feel Jimmy?"


Jimmy left the psychiatrist office passing by a little girl who was waiting to see the doctor. Jimmy couldn't help but feel sad for the girl, she was almost his age and she needed to see a psychiatrist. He got in his car and began to drive straight. "At least someone knows my story" Jimmy thought to himself. He came to a stop in front of this abandoned area. The sign read "Happy's Amusement Park" Jimmy let out a chuckle "irony" he thought. Jimmy got out a piece of paper and a pen and began to write. He sealed the note in an envelope and titled it "Jimmy was Alone." and placed the envelope on the dashboard of his car. He opened the glove compartment box to reveal his little friend. Jimmy closed his eyes and kissed his friend goodnight.

The author's comments:

hopefully the idea to this is understood when I'm finished.

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