Gator on the loose | Teen Ink

Gator on the loose

May 26, 2015
By godawgs BRONZE, Merritt Island, Florida
godawgs BRONZE, Merritt Island, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

    One day I was walking into Walmart to start my work day. And it started out to be a normal day as usual, I saw my coworker Jim clocking in as well as I. We both walked out of the break room and headed to our registers. The day goes on and hundreds of customers come in and out of the store all day. As the day passes by and ever so closely my shift ends and I head back to the break room to clock out and head home for the night. I arrive at my house and watch some tv till I went to bed. Later that night I was having a dream about that I was at work and all of a sudden there was an animal (don’t know what it was though) in the store but wasn’t doing anything to harm anybody. Then I woke up from the dream in parole and then I realized it was just a dream and fell back asleep.
     The next day I awake to my alarm going off to tell me it’s time to get up and go to work. I finish getting ready and headed to work. I arrive and walk in the store and see Jim again and we walked to the break room to get the day started. And as we wait for our shift to start I told Jim about the dream I had last night. And he thinks that it was pretty wild that I had the dream because he was telling me that he had the same dream the other night as well.  And when he told me that I was in shock!!! We had the same dream within a day span. I looked at my phone and saw that it was time to go to work. And so we went to work for the whole day watching hundreds of customers going through the store. As the day went on I was thinking about my dream and how it could not possibly ever happen because there was no way that an alligator could come to the store because there was no body of water around the store. I quickly looked at the clock and saw that I still had two hours left in my work shift at the store till I could go home. The two hours slowly passed by and I finally could go home and as I left the store I realized that today was the slowest day I have ever had working at the store to date. I got home and went straight to bed and just skipped dinner.
    I woke up the next day and get ready for work. As I head to work I hear on the radio that something has happened at the store this morning. As I pulled up to the store I saw a crowd of people and news vans in the parking lot. I parked and ran up to see what was going on and as I make my way to the front of the crowd I keep hearing a hissing nose coming from the front of the store. And I couldn’t believe what I saw, it was an alligator. Jim had come up to me and said that this is what he saw in his dream and I was thinking the same thing as well. I turned toward my car and drove off back to my house.

The author's comments:

this article is based on a true story.

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